India divided into North ,South  on National Language

Hindi is said to be spoken by 43 % and other local languages like Telgu,
Hindi, Kanada, Marathi, Bangla  constitute a  mere 5 to 9%. That is
precisely  the logic and legitimacy  of crowning it as the de facto
National  language as it I spoke by a sizeable majority .The NEP
unveiled is new wine in old bottle. The medium of instruction in mother
tongue and local languages, though not compulsory will be for the poor and
not the elite, who have an alternative and means to pursue their choice..
The upward mobility in recent time in Education and professions  will be a
further setback .The South has been resisting the imposition and will
continue the opposition for equal treatment for all languages. The
knowledge of Hindi alone is wrongly presumed as the integrating the diverse
Nation. Hindi is not sign of Nationalism or patriotism, as it is projected
to be . Most of the signage’s are in Hindi and English and so also Govt.
circulars, orders and communication and competitive exams.   The P.M of
India  has mostly been  from the Hindi heartlands, except  for Narashima
Rao and Devi Gauda, who   was forced to deliver Independence day speech in
Hindi, though he was not conversant with it, P.M  speech from ramparts of
red fort is  always in Hindi the language of majority and will continue,
 even though it is  intended for the whole Nation

The Govt. of India was willing to push 400 crores  for  use of Hindi in UNO
and once again reinforces the  thrust towards one particular language in

All  the indigenous languages need equal treatment in the development to
integrate a diverse Nation and Govt. is pushing, pursuing  a hidden agenda
on the issue of Hindi and Sanskrit

The North too should include languages of South in Education, when there is
provision for other languages like German ,French, Portuguese, Russian.
Mandarin etc Hindi alone cannot be thrust down the throats as the link
language for National integration

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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