Nelson, this is not only in “recent times”. It has always been the case as far 
back as I can remember.


> On Aug 14, 2020, at 2:44 PM, Nelson Lopes <> wrote:
> Girls outshine boys
>  In recent times Girls outsmart boys all over India in Board and
> University and competitive examinations.  Most toppers are girls and  their
> passing percentage too is better. It is not mere women`s liberation alone
> but independence, determination to cross traditional barriers. The upward ,
> vertical mobility is guaranteed by Education alone, which assures a better
> life, free from routine and  drudgery. Women  are today employed , have
> invaded  male reserves and are  leading in all fields of employment and
> fiercely competing with men.  Girls  are a real challenge to the egoistic
> attitude of manly superiority. They are no more confined to homes to rear
> children and be content as housewives. They seek economic independence too
> and say in their life . Men too prefer working partners and share home
> chores. The reservations for male preserve in employment are breaking down
> in favor of women employees. except for  maternity leave constraints ,
> which is also being attended to by maternity, paternity leave and
> crches.The parents no longer hinder and deprive girls of education .Even in
> the military, professional fields  women have openings on merit .Men no
> doubt may  not take lightly  women in position, but have to be content with
> reality and swallow their pride. Girls are more devoted to studies and are
> obedient to suggestions and guidance and are focused,  Girls are less
> distracted with social life , fun and entertainment. The fashion
> consciousness too is subdued to concentrate on studies .Govt are providing
> free education to girls up to University levels and are providing
> facilities and incentives to attract and maintain them in Educational
> Institutes. It is found that educated girls voluntarily  encourage family
> planning, together with legal provisions  .The ban on dowry ,sex
> determination tests, abortions , child marriages and right of inheritance
> by girls are forward legislations in the emancipation of girl child
> The early marriages, were intended for the protection of dignity of girl as
> husband would guarantee that safety .Education too was discouraged as
> interaction with society would not ensure safety, Society today is
> changing, evolving  and showing greater respect, responsibility toward
> opposite sex
> Today an educated girl is not only an economical asset to the family but
> educational, health benefits that accrue to her family and her mental and
> physical health The parents have realized that expenses on girls education
> is a good investment in future There is proliferation of Girls educational
> Institutes at all levels
> Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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