Dear Prof Adolfo, As a small matter of detail, Sharmila Kamat is not an
Anthropologist. She belongs to the world of Physics, with specialisation in
a range of topics which I cannot even comprehend --  Superconductivity -
calculation of effective charges in superconducting materials using several
models such as Anderson; Study of high Tc superconductors and investigation
of properties of high superconductors.
Way back in the good ol' 1980s, I had the good fortune of being colleagues
with Sharmila at the Herald, when she took up a short-term job there as she
liked writing so much. She has also written other books, quite unrelated to
the world of science.  Dr Sharmila is the younger sister of Dr Pratima
Kamat, HoD of the Department of History at the Goa University. Prabhakar
Kamat is their dad. FN

On Sun, 6 Sep 2020 at 14:29, Adolfo Mascarenhas <> wrote:

> Sharmila Kamat and Prabhakar Kamat
> Short Takes, Long Memories
> Rupa Publications India, Pvt Ltd
> Xiv,  193 pp New Delhi
> When a Goan Anthropologist, with links stretching from Case Western
> Reserve University to the Columbia and Smitsonian combines with a Goan
> Diplomat in the the Portugese Civil Service he joins the Indian
> Administrative Services, from where he retired in 1960, one is repared for
> fireworks. I was  struck bythe 8 photographs. All taken in Dar and having
> Samora Machel of Mozambique (MPLA) meeting dignitaries like Indira Gandhi
> This book is humongous in many aspects.  It takes you through the dark
> days of Salazar and ready to pounce PIDE, it brings out the difference
> between Goans of all religious beliefs and their counterparts in Greater
> India, it reveals the influence of culture to coexist and evolve.
> It is a serious book its worth reading
> Grandolfo
> In A *B*lue skyed Quepem
> Attachment

FN* फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا‎ +91-9822122436

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