Games That We Played Traditional Goan Sports is authored by Maria de
Lourdes Bravo da Costa Rodrigues and brings memories of the simple games
that were played by those who had their childhood probably right upto the
late 70s, or early 80's until electronic games and all took over. The games
described include Indoor games such as pretending games  (like Doctor
Doctor), board games (snakes and ladders, tiktem, tabblam, waganni, etc),
card games ANd also Outdoor Games, such as chasing games, catching games,
hiding games, racing games and games of exertion, and games of skill. When
I look back, I feel these games had value that you cannot get from the
electronic games that seem to make a zombie out of you, At the launch of
the book, there was some discussion about actually returning to play those
games and reviving them.

The book is self-published - that is, by a family publication of the author
called L&L..


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