Tha passing of the two Farm Bills, whilst farmers were agitating in many 
States, in the most undemocratic way does not augur well for our democracy! 
What we saw in the live telecast and behavior leaves much to be desired. It is 
not understood why there was no meaningful discussion with the stake holders 
and the Opposition. Why such important Bills could not be sent to a Standing 
Committee or why despite having the numbers as claimed, voice vote was held 
despite demand for splitting of vote. I was surprised to see Derek OBrien 
holding the rule book and  heckling the deputy speaker up close with 7 MPs who 
along with him were suspended for unruly conduct. The chair had no 
consideration at all and what shocked me, arrogantly  extended the hour and 
quickly, amidst the noise, passed the Bills with voice vote without even 
looking up once! The agreived MPs spent the night in protest on the Parliament 
lawns and the deputy speaker comes and tries "Chai Ka Charcha" in the morning 
which was naturally refused but praised by the PM! Any means are routinely used 
to put down anyone who stands up to coercive power! Opposition parties 
"NoTrust" move against the Dy Speaker is simply denied. It appears to be my way 
or the highway which is also strictly partisan policed! Strict Laxman Rekha is 
drawn where the nation is kept firmly divided and the aam admi has to keep 
suffering and hope to enjoy acche din and the fruits of freedom. 
Reforms are required, but our PM keeps going about it in haste and in the wrong 
way!  There is Covid, lossof jobs, China and Pakistan on our borders, economy 
in dire straits. India is not Gujerat, vast difference between North and South 
India, rich and poor. Keeping out middlemen and changing the system to 
mechanize farming and use farm labor migrating to towns for progress of 
corporates with changed labor laws etc will create more loss of jobs and 
hardship for the aam admi and families! Cannot understand why in this scenario 
so much change and disrupting people's lives. Supreme Court heeds to heed the 
advice of critical section of the judiciary, knowledgeable economists and 
government made to explain/clarify to Opposition and agitating farmers BEFORE 
issuing ordinances (at the drop of a hat) and thereafter bulldozing Bills!The 
PM seems not to bother about each and every Indian.

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