The law is not equal be you so high or low. Besides the State is using 
draconian laws like UAPA and premier agencies like CBI, ED, Narcotic Bureau etc 
in what should be police investigations against those who dissent with 
government or in cases like Sushant Singh suicide. The root causes of Mauism 
and naxalism are not addressed and iron hand attitude perpetuates violence. 
Meboba Mufti continues to be under house arrest for more than a year. It is 
reported that the MP High Court has revoked the midnight detention and NSA 
slapped on four youths from Raigarh with costs of Rs10,000/ per case on the 
state government for incorrect statement regarding detetention order stating " 
Preventative detention involves serious encroachment on the right of personal 
liberty. It is the solemn duty of the Court to ensure the power is exercized 
strictly in accordance with the requirements of the Constitution and the law". 
In a rape case it is reported that the HC in Goa has acquited arrested an 
accused on Feb 2013 after 7years in jail! There are many such cases of 
acquital, with no compensation or attempt to investigate and penalize those 
responsible for wrongly taking away 7 years of a persons life! Nowadays nobody 
sems to trust the police and everyone wants a court supervized CBI probe. How 
will the rising crimes against women, the NRCB stastics say 87 cases/day, be 
effectively handled ? The Home Ministry has now issued an advisory after the 
Hatras incident and hopefully all State governments will strictly follow it. 
There are already enough laws but until vital police reforms, religion and 
caste prejudices are not stamped out, the prospect seems beleek! Non violence 
and truth have become rare commodities.

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