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For once I get to be the carrier of Good news.
Loyola High School ,Margao is doing exceptionally well
in football. Your alma mater has revived the ' good old
Rivalry of yore.'South v/s North(LOYOLA V/S DONBOSCO's
In actual fact, Loyola (with stiff competitors
Don Bosco's Panjim, are doing brilliantly at football-at
all levelsOf the game in Goa;as is the Eban Mesquita
coached Velsao Pale sc.)
At school, national and international level
We have LOYOLA BOYS aged 13
Captaining u-16 national sides...
We also have loyali-tes captaining India.
I am not from te seventies ,much junior,you would know
Noel? Roque? Benji? Tony? Your contemporaries from seventies???
Many are still doing a lot for the game Socorro Vaz
And his son Joshua? (Soccoro-Agnelo-twins?)
Articles/Features on -Benji, Soccorro Vaz, keshav
Have been submitted to Goa- Net Sport by me
Look forward to you and other Goan football readership
Reading the same on site shortly; given the demand.
Do note****Goa net receives a lot of matter…It's
especially helpful to have a pointer, as to what the
readership wishes to read ,It simplifies work for
moderators and gives you what you want to read.
Do write in-it tells us what you want to read on Goan
Give me a while to compile Loyola at football the
whole story-vast!DO feel free to contact me on my id or via
Via Goa net/Goanet Sports.
I could also give u info from my own blog-
(NOT yet 'decked up for appearance'  hence not
a link on this site..nevertheless loaded with Football

Even as Canada/The UK OR the Arabian /gulf etc have Goan
Men wander away form Amchem Goem....
It's heartening to note that those lands dint take the
Quintessential the Goenkar's innate Love for Football
I'm following this mail with at least one article on Loyola HS
For your interest in your alma mater; and thus in Goan football.
A school that is in our dayDreaming big, scoring goals..

Thank You.,
Do keep kicking for Goan Football
LOYOLA's  Meldon D'Silva is NOT an Age cheat!!!
 Review of Decision likely: Dr. Shaji Phrabakaran
24th December 2006

"I know when Meldon Was Born, is the AIFF telling a mother
 that she did not know when her own child born??"'said an emotional Perp
etua D'silva reacting to news that her son Meldon a part of the Goa State
 squad had been found overage and thus not allowed to play in the FIFA
U-13 Football Festival  being held at Chennai.
The D'silva home and neighbourhood who have backed Meldon and his
neighbor the talented Brandon Fernandes both students of LOyola High School
are furious and disturbed... and appear to have taken he news as a personal
l condemnation. The news conveyed to the Goa squad by apparently by
the AIFF officials and filtering onto the state on Christmas eve was
met with both anger and disbelief in Meldon'shome village of Benaulim
and within football circles
throughout Goa.

GFA Secretary Savio Messias speaking to this writer minced no words "Im
 shocked .  Meldon is not in the wrong he has a valid passport as
asked by organisers.
. Ihave his necessary documentation
 and will make an official protest with the AIFF and request the MRI be redone.
" said Messias and added "If he is wrong, I will be the first to implement a ban
but once established  Meldo is innocent I will ensure thatjustice is
done " said Messias.

Speaking to this writer from Chennai Goa squad manager Paul Bast said"
 We are naturally upset, especially young Meldon when informed by the organ
izers that a Bone Density Test of Meldons Elbow and chest showed him over-aged.
We are for a re-test in all likelihood Meldon should play the next match.

This writer has personally checked the following documentation for the
record.. and forwrded the same to the chennai.Meldon's date of birth
stated as 17th November 1994 is constant in every institution he is
The organizers calling this young boy a age cheat questions not only
the credibility of the GFA and his parents, but very credible persons
and establishments such as Dr Arcanjo Menezes Nursing Home Margao
,where he was born, Reverand Fr. Orlando Luis and Parish of The Holy
Trinity Church,Benaulim were he was baptised,the integrity of  Loyola
High School, Margao where Meldon is a student of Class seven,
Salgaocar Sports Club  in the u-14 team , The Ministry of External
Affairs; Govt. Of India who have issued the
 boy a valid passport and Goa Police Force who cleared the same. The
organisers would have to establish that
ALL the above are in the wrong and thus age –cheats if GOA is to
 accept the Meldon D'silva is not 12 years old.

There is absolutely no question as of now, in Goa that Meldon is over
age as all the above have been checked and his date of birth stands at
17th NOVEMBER 1994 as registered by the GFA and an appeal has been
made to
Vision India Director Shaji Phrabakaran.That he is looking into the
matter is positely hope that a young football
 dream will not be killed.
zena costa/Navhind Times/24th December 2006


MELDON IS INNOCENT:Dr.SHaji Phrabakaran is Santa
25 December 2006
Dr Shaji Prabhakaran is known to be a fair and ethical administrator
and on  xmas he brought in the goodies.
speaking to this wrter affirmed that bone density isnt full proof ,so
and mri would be conducted asap.
 he informed late evening of 24th December.
Speaking from Chennai Phrabakaran on 25th December 2006 he affirmed
"Meldon was innocent
and will play in the Goa match tommorow.Goa finished runners -up  losing 0-1.
Loyola high SCHOOl'S Goa Captain, Brendon Fernandes emerged the top
scorer,(13 GOALS)and player of the Tournament.
His neighbour and  fellow Loyolite Meldon  now 'innocent' (missed two
matches) but went on to score TOO

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Jul 8, 2007 9:42 AM
Subject: [Goanet-sports] sports

I am interested in the soccer happenings at Loyola High school,
Margao, I played for Loyola, represented the school in the Subrota Cup
and the All-Goa School  tournament, ( I may have the names of the
tournaments wrong. This was long time ago, in the mid and late '70's).
How is the school doing lately?
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