The Armada was ready in 1497 and Dom Manuel entrusted the command to a fidalgo 
of his Household, Vasco da Gama. The family seat of the daGamas wasin the town 
of Sines and it his father Estevao who first conceived of the idea ofthe 
voyage. They sailed from Belem, Vasco probably on board the San Gabriel.  
Rounding the Cape, the two ships reached Mozambique in March 1498 and Melinde 
in April. The king there suggested Calicut as a destination as againstnearby 
Cambay. With a Melindian pilot at the helm, the crossing was made in twenty 
days. Land was sighted near Cannanore, but they sailed down to Calicutand 
anchored on May the 17th.     The real importance of the new discovery lay in 
the fact that it broke themonopoly which Venice and Egypt had long enjoyed in 
the trade with India.The Moors saw the far reaching significance of the event, 
knowing their tradesupremacy was endangered. Both the Egyptians and the Turks 
were ready tointervene. Portugal got a respite when the Turks conquered Egypt, 
and held it's position until dislodged by the Dutch.     Da Gama sailed north 
to Cannanore on the 29th of August and was invited to land by the Kolathiri 
Raja who entered into an informal agreement with himand accepted his cargo.    
He returned to Lisbon with cargo that was worth sixty times the cost of the 
expedition. Honours and titles were showered on him, along with a lifetime 
giftof 200 Cruzados a year.
  __._,_.___     Posted by: eric pinto <>     
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