Restoring its glorious history by setting up now a full fledged medical
facilities at the Old Ribandar Hospital, which was Asia’s first medical
school established on 13th December 1867, would be a very big achievement
for this government. Chief Minister Pramod Sawant, Health Minister
Vishwajit Rane and local MLA Babush Monseratte would have to work with a
sense of urgency, in conjunction with the concerned authorities to deliver
the promised.

The Health care facilities at the Old Ribandar Hospital will be a big
relief to the residents of a very densely populated Ribandar and also
benefit the people of neighboring Old Goa, Corlim, Divar, Chorao, Merces
and Chimbel.

The Health Centre at Ribandar must be a model for the State, with utmost
cleanliness and sanitation maintained at all times. It would be nice to
involve the community and seek their honorary services whenever possible
for the betterment of the centre.

Our's must be a Health Centre with a difference where every patient feels
gently cared for and leaves with good memories. The idea has been conceived
by the people and the government has now to deliver the baby.

We must also keep in mind the historical heritage value of the hospital.
Even memories of freedom struggle of Goa are bonded to the Old Ribandar
Hospital, where some freedom fighters came to be hospitalised by the
Portuguese, like late Mohan Ranade who was operated upon and saved
thereafter his capture during the attack on Betim Police Post in 1954.

I personally have nostalgic memories, having been born in that great
hospital. Now 60 long years later it is my bounden duty to be part of the
effort to ensure that the hospital is rekindled and comes to life again.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012




You can also reach me on AiresRodrigues


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