“This book is a weapon” is the first sentence of Dr. Adam Rutherford’s
pacy, power-packed *How To Argue With A Racist: History, Science, Race and
Reality*. Speaking directly to his readers, the geneticist and popular
science writer/broadcaster explains he wants “to equip you with the
scientific tools to tackle questions on race, genes, and ancestry. It is a
toolkit to help separate fact from myth in understanding how we are similar
and how we are different.”

Rutherford is an outstanding communicator, whose resume includes the
excellent 2016 *A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived: The Stories in
Our Genes*, last year’s acclaimed* Humanimal: How Homo Sapiens Became
Nature’s Most Paradoxical Creature*, and numerous BBC television and radio
programmes. In this new, pulsating livewire of a book, he marshals all the
evidence necessary “to be brandished when science is warped, misrepresented
or abused to make a point, or to justify hatred.”

The effort is perfectly timed because, somewhat unexpectedly, we find
ourselves besieged anew by inter-connected bigotries in the name of race,
caste and religion, shadowed by the burgeoning of exclusionary politics in
different parts of the world. Rutherford writes, “nationalism is on the
rise, and discussions of race seem to be more prominent in the public arena
than in years. Stereotypes and myths about race are expressed not just by
overt racists whose voices are amplified by modern technology, but also by
well-intentioned people whose experience and cultural history steer them
towards views that are not supported by the modern study of human genetics.”

By now, at the cusp of the third decade of the 21st century, things were
supposed to be different. We were told America had become “post-racial”
after the election of Barack Obama, and similarly encouraged to celebrate
multiculturalism’s triumph in “cool Britannia.” In India, the ascendant BJP
pledged to take everyone to progress, “*sabka saath, sabka vikas*.” But
none of those promises were kept. Instead, much of the world turned sharply
right, into what Human Rights Watch describes as “racism, xenophobia,
misogyny and nativism [which] poses a dangerous threat to laws and
institutions that promote dignity, tolerance, and equality.”

Rutherford has faced the edge of some of this himself, as his mother is
Guyanese-British of Indian descent. He admits, “in the last couple of
years, in response to writing to talking about human history, genetics and
race, strangers have called me a Paki, a Jewish rat and a race traitor with
“insidious influence”…I have been told that I should be grateful for
colonialization and the British Empire as, without it, I would not exist –
technically this argument is correct, though, it’s pretty nuts.”

Those kinds of slurs will be painfully familiar to anyone from elsewhere
who has tried to assimilate into the dominant cultural paradigms of the
west. There appeared to be some hope in the 1990s, when the harshest
rhetoric was forced underground for a time (although I have angry memories
from even those years, of being assaulted by the N-word when playing
basketball for University of London) but as Amit Chaudhuri has eloquently
described, “the old cliches have proved astonishingly tenacious”.
Rutherford notes, “the vocal expression of racism feels more prevalent
today that it has been in decades.”

*How To Argue With A Racist* cuts directly to the chase, with tightly
argued chapters entitled Skin in the Game (about the folly of assigning
scientific value to pigmentation), Your Ancestors are My Ancestors (on the
canard of pedigree), Black Power (which carefully disproves any connection
between physicality and race) and White Matter (an exquisitely weighted
disquisition on cognitive abilities). Its impressively Solomonic summation:
“Race is real because we perceive it. Racism is real because we enact it.
Neither race nor racism has foundations in science.”

Scattered throughout are explosive nuggets of information, and it would be
a shame to reveal too many of them. But here’s one set that I found
compelling: “every Nazi has Jewish ancestors. Every racist has African,
Indian, Chinese, Native American, aboriginal Australian ancestors, as well
as everyone else, and not just in the sense that humankind is an African
species in deep history, but at a minimum from classical times, and
probably much more recently. Racial purity is a pure fantasy. For humans
there are no purebloods, only mongrels enriched by the blood of multitudes.”

These irrefutable facts of biology contradict the most cherished prejudices
of chauvinists of every stripe, including the lunatic Indian obsessions
with “purity” that have extended from Hindu casteism into every other
religion and section of society. Earlier this month, for just one ugly
example, various residents of Hathras – even after the widely-publicised
barbaric rape and murder in their midst – blithely informed the media that
some of their neighbours “are from an inferior caste. How can they be put
on the same pedestal as us?”

As it happens, from felicitously akin motivations to Rutherford, the
straight-talking veteran journalist and editor Tony Joseph’s terrific,
award-winning 2018 *Early Indians: The Story of Our Ancestors and Where We
Came From* has compiled and analysed all the available scientific research
about the origins of the inhabitants of the subcontinent. His conclusion:
“there is no such thing as a ‘pure group’, race or caste that has existed
since ‘time immemorial’ [and we] are today a uniquely Indian civilization
that has drawn together many population groups with different migration
histories, and its impulses, culture, traditions and practices come from
multiple sources, not just one singular source.”

All the while reading *How To Argue With A Racist*, I was reminded of
Joseph’s book, and emailed him to say that. He responded, “There is no such
thing as a pure race, and there is no population group in India today that
does not bear the imprint of the major mixing between different migrant
populations that happened between 4000 years ago and 2000 years ago. We are
all mixed; we are all migrants and the largest portions of ancestry that
all of us carry belong to the First Indians and the Harappans - who
themselves were a mixture of the First Indians and a population related to
the early farmers of Iran. And this is irrespective of what caste you
belong to, what language you speak or what region you inhabit.”

Joseph told me, “it is always important to bear in mind that all humans
living today share 99.9 per cent of their DNA. So the differences that we
talk about are really minor when seen in perspective. Race today is a
meaningless word because we know that all population groups that exist
today are mixtures of earlier population groups, which themselves were
mixtures of even more ancient population groups. We also know that repeated
mass migrations in history are what shaped almost all population groups in
the world today. If there are any exceptions to this at all, these would be
very small and isolated populations in extremely remote locations who have
no had no contact with people outside for, say, tens of thousands of years.
As you can imagine, that is very unlikely. It is time that we stopped using
the word race, except in athletics.”

In his final chapter, entitled Conclusion and Recapitulation, Rutherford
points out that people who are “fixated on finding biological bases for
racial differences appear more interested in the racism than the science”
but “racism is not simply wrong because it is based on scientifically
specious ideas. Racism is wrong because it is an affront to human dignity.”

That moral argument resonates intensely in our collective pandemic
predicament, especially after the stunning Black Lives Matter protests that
roiled so many cities around the world, so I reached out to Dr. Rutherford
to ask if he agreed. He promptly wrote back to tell me he’s added a new
chapter to address this, as “Covid-19 was racialized immediately, as in the
UK, the US and elsewhere, Black, Asian, Hispanic and other minority groups
were infected and died at a significantly higher frequency than White
people. This is best explained by socio-economic reasons though, not by
some imagined underlying genetics.”

Meanwhile, “as for George Floyd and BLM, this tragic event was far from
unique in the recent history of the US. Black men being killed by police,
and ensuing violence has occurred many times in the last few years, and the
US has never come close to resolving its racist history. The main
difference is that structural racism in the US, and elsewhere is now
exposed like a nerve, and cannot be hidden.”

This underlines why the research he has compiled and presented is
all-important. Rutherford told me, “We need weapons against the abuse of
science to propagate bigotry because science is no ally to racism, and that
is what is happening. In its inception, science - or what we now regard as
pseudoscience - was co-opted into racist political ideologies to justify
colonialization and Empire, and slavery. Today, we are seeing that the
latest advances in genetics and evolution are being misinterpreted and
misrepresented by a vocal minority of fringe scientists and race hobbyists
to assert that race is biologically meaningful, when all the evidence
clearly says it is not.”

Since it is becoming increasingly complicated to combat vicious prejudice
and discrimination, as it is being broadcast at the highest volume from the
senior-most positions in our governments and societies, I listed three
recent examples to Rutherford, and asked him how to deal with each

First up was the Republican candidate for US Senate from Delaware, Lauren
Witzke’s snide, witless tweet on October 7, “Most third-world migrants can
not assimilate into civil societies. Prove me wrong.” Rutherford was
scornful, “That is such an idiotic thing to say that I can't begin to
answer it. Third World is a stupid and long-abandoned term anyway. All
people are migrants at some stage. Nigerian Americans are amongst the most
successful groups in the US. [British] Indians are similarly successful and
have been for decades. You're talking to one.”

A few days ago, the UK government’s ex-chair of its own Race Disparity Unit
said the prime minister – who previously proclaimed “this is not a racist
country” - believes ethnic minorities “should stop wallowing in victimhood”
To this, Rutherford said, “Boris Johnson himself is an incompetent leader,
and by his own pen a racist, so I'm not sure taking instruction from him on
what is or is not a racist country is wise. Even if the UK is less racist
than other countries, and less racist than it has been in the past (and
these things are not easy to measure, but I think both are true), the least
racist country is still racist.”

Finally, I asked him about India’s caste neuroses, and Rutherford delivered
an apt coda, “There is no such thing as racial purity; it is a biological
myth. This book - and indeed an understanding of genetics, genealogy,
history and evolution - will not fix racism. But its key message is that
you can be bigoted and racist, but you cannot claim science in your
defense. Science is no ally to racism or racists.”

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