Polls have been wrong before, but it’s looking increasingly certain
that Donald Trump and his Republicans will decisively lose next week’s
election. Early next year, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will take over
as president and vice-president, and the US leadership will swing back
into the Democratic ambit.

There’s plenty at stake for South Asian countries, but less than might
seem obvious from the vastly different personal styles of the brash,
bloviating incumbent and his understated, empathetic (and visibly
elderly) challenger.

As the wily imperialist warmonger Lord Palmerston put it, “it is a
narrow policy to suppose that this country or that is to be marked out
as the eternal ally or the perpetual enemy. We have no eternal allies,
and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and
perpetual, and those interests it is our duty to follow.”

When it comes to the United States and South Asia, there are two sets
of permanent interests at play in the superpower’s calculus:
geopolitical power, and internal electoral politics. The former
dominated overwhelmingly until the 21st century, but then South Asian
American voters emerged an increasingly potent force, possessing the
capacity to swing some states, as well as contribute funds far out of
proportion to their numbers.

Here it’s vital to note that Indian Americans (and there is good
reason to believe these trends are equally pronounced amongst other
South Asian diaspora groups) always overwhelmingly support the
Democrats, and close to 80% are expected to vote for Biden/Harris this
year as well.

What is more, this loyal bloc doesn’t really care about the American
government’s positions towards their ancestral homeland. According to
a fascinating survey released earlier this month by the Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced
International Studies and the University of Pennsylvania, only 3% of
Indian American voters listed foreign policy as their number 1 issue.
Everyone else cited the economy, health care, and racial

This is largely to be expected from what is in many ways the richest,
best-educated, and most highly integrated immigrant demographic in US

These are not disaffected people. They think America is already pretty
great. Naturally, they’re alarmed by Trump’s rage, racism, and
extremist supporters. The fact that Joe Biden picked a running mate
with Tamilian roots is a bonus, albeit one that is likely to make a
policy difference.

“In the event of a Biden victory, it's clear India won't be
overlooked, let alone forgotten, in an administration of which Kamala
Harris is a senior member” says Shashi Tharoor, the veteran
international diplomat (he ran for the post of UN Secretary-General in
2006), prolific author, and popular MP who served as India’s Minister
of State for External Affairs under Manmohan Singh.

He told me Harris “is bound to be a strong voice for democracy and
human rights generally, but that could put her at odds with some of
the Modi government's actions, such as on Kashmir, the CAA and the
situation of India's Muslim minority. When you care about a country
you won't be indifferent to it, and are more likely to take a stand on
issues agitating the community.”

Tharoor says, “Mr Trump has not always been ideal for India -- his
stands on trade and tariffs, and on India's environmental policies,
could hardly have been welcome in New Delhi -- but he has been
uncritical of Mr Modi's domestic politics and his divisive Hindutva

He pointed out, “there are always continuities in any country's
foreign policy, all the more so that of a superpower like the US, with
well-defined interests and well-established engagements around the
world. That said, where Trump departed from his predecessors was not
only in his rhetoric, which was often ill-phrased and intemperate; but
also in his resort to 3am tweets on major policy issues, such as to
the "Little Rocket Man" in North Korea; his unpredictability and
tendency to change attitudes at a moment's notice, as with China and
President Xi, which has gone from bromance to Cold War; his extreme
transactionalism, resulting even in a mini-trade war with a country he
was trying to woo, India; and his inability to stay the course (eg
bombing Syria one day in April 2017, and failing to follow through for
the next three and a half years).

The bottom line? Tharoor says, “I believe the US's South Asia policy
has evolved definitively the way it has and there is bipartisan
consensus in both capitals that underpin it, not to mention the
influence of the significant Indian diaspora in the US, which will
ensure India's continued salience in Washington. While I do expect
course correction on global issues like multilateralism (I expect
Biden to reverse Trump's decision to pull the US out of WHO, for
instance) I do not expect much change in US-India relations.”

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