Diane Frank, a San Francisco poet, writer and musician wrote the following
poem, which will appear in her next book of poetry!

A gift of Light. [image: 🤗] The beat goes on.
No, "kator re bhajji"! No bouyas either.
😇😍😘 Just flicking my damru.




He was the crazy man
singing the blues between cars
on the A Train –
levitating to the moon
on a painted trail of light.

At the Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey Circus,
he released the baby alligators from their cages,
during the high wire act,
with lions jumping through feathered hoops
below. Around him, women riding horses
wore pink feathered plumes.
Hawkers sold cotton candy and crackerjacks.

He asked for a photograph
of me playing the cello,
my arm drawing the bow into a long, low note.
I was wearing silk, concert black,
my fingers breathing the music
I played that night.

Around the cello, he drew images
of bears, rivers, waterfalls,
Himalayan peaks,
where elephants, butterflies, fractals
dream in swirling colors
on a mountain trail.

He painted sacred syllables
in Sanskrit, Hebrew, Tibetan
and an ancient Kanji calligraphy –
what he heard inside the music.

After weeks of painting,
he tiptoed over the border
where his amigos from Mexico,
put his painting in a mailing tube
and sent it to San Francisco.

Inside his meditation, a sanctuary
where the colors swirl and blend.
Outside his window, a river of humanity.
New York City is always a circus.

Diane Frank


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