Brilliant and true. A splendid analogy.

A personal example: I was spared this treatment m, when I simply pointed
out a few of my traits in rapid succession. And how long I had been there
in a toll that kept changing. Earlier I told my boss that he did not need
to be with me in the HR office. I said this within twenty seconds of us
sitting there. Then on my return, I told my boss that I would settle all
files and did just that over the next few days. I was given a fine lunch at
a bar. But I simply did not have it in me to dive into coding! And to
corral my expectations. I crumbled!

In a few days I was brought on a project in a much coveted studio at
Ogilvy. They were impressed with my pace and accuracy. Then HR called
saying that I should return the monies given to me, since I was working at
the same place. Basically, I would not be paid. I did not have it me,
feeling so alone and stunned. i think it was that same day that I told the
new boss that I would walk and that to save his face for hiring me, that he
should not carry the ignominy of me refusing payment for the time worked.

I rose, looked around kindly, smiled and walked away! No guards. It was a
decent chunk of change. $2,750, perhaps even more if I remember.

At the end of the day, we are all formed different on account of various
ways of seeing, and being.

Venantius J Pinto

On Thu, Nov 19, 2020 at 10:49 AM Roland Francis <>

> It was sneaky corporate America (which was later copied by the rest of the
> world under its influence) that started the despicable process of
> ignominiously marching out to the door accompanied by security, a laid-off
> or terminated employee.
> They projected their inbred sneakiness onto this action which they
> justified as preventing unpleasantness or worse still data sabotage.
> So there you could witness a person who had given more than a few years of
> his or her life and loyalty, only to be rewarded with this despicable exit
> strategy.
> But karma has a habit of running full circles and here is a President who
> in his own time must have practised this hateful ‘throwing out the door’ in
> his Trump organization, doing the very same  feared harm (multiplied many
> times) to his own country.
> In normal circumstances I would have mourned for America. Now, I laugh at
> it because they cannot ‘exit’ their President in the way they exited many a
> poor, working-for-his-living individual.
> World braced for more bombshells from furious Donald Trump after election
> defeat
> Roland.
> Toronto.

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