Whatever else can be said about the shambolic disaster that is Donald
Trump’s stubbornly delusional refusal to acknowledge the loss of this
month’s US presidential election, there’s no doubt American courts are
holding strong against his multi-pronged assault on the constitution.

At the time of writing, Trump’s fleet of advisors had lost 25 cases (there
was also one minor victory) in a raft of lawsuits alleging “nationwide
voter fraud.” Despite immense pressure from the most powerful bully pulpit
in the country, judges appointed by both Republicans and Democrats refused
to proceed due to lack of evidence.

All this has profound implications, far beyond one election cycle. What we
are witnessing in action is that US institutions can still function. The
checks and balances built into the country’s 244-year-old political system
are capable of working as intended. American democracy might be limping,
but is still not dead.

Closer to home, the vital signs are nowhere near as optimistic. Just over
the past few days in India, there have been several separate red flags
about judicial independence.

Writing in *Indian Express* this week, the renowned scholar Pratap Bhanu
Mehta noted, “The Indian Supreme Court was never perfect. It has had its
dark periods before. But the signs are that it is slipping into judicial

Mehta explained, “The term “barbarism” has several components. The first is
the overwhelming appearance of arbitrariness in judicial decision-making.
The application of law becomes so dependent on the arbitrary whims of
individual judges that the rule of law or constitutional terms no longer
have any meaning. The law becomes an instrument of oppression.”

In addition, “The court also becomes excessively concerned with its version
of lese majesty: Like a scared monarch, the court cannot be seriously
criticised or mocked. Its majesty is secured not by its credibility but by
its power of contempt. And, finally, there is barbarism in a much deeper
sense. It occurs when the state treats a section of its own citizenry as
enemies of the people.”

This is an acutely accurate description of what’s happening in India,
alongside assaults on constitutional norms in many countries, from the
Philippines to Brazil to Turkey, as well as within Europe.

Still, Mehta says, “we should not mistake the distinctiveness of the
current moment. Patriots like Sudha Bharadwaj or thinkers like Anand
Teltumbde are being denied bail. Umar Khalid was given a minor relief in
being allowed to step outside his cell but the fate of so many young
student anti-CAA protestors remains uncertain. An 80-year-old social
activist who is suffering from Parkinson’s was denied a straw [and]
hundreds of Kashmiris were detained without habeas corpus redress.”

Even worse is likely. Mehta warns, “As state after state is now
contemplating legislation on “love jihad”, a communally insidious and
infantilising construct, watch how the judiciary abets in legitimising this
newest assault on liberty.” Inevitably, “What starts as a selectivity on
civil liberties will slowly creep into the ideological foundations of the

An illustrative example of these convergent phenomena is unfolding just
across the Sylhet border in Meghalaya.

Back in July, the award-winning *Shillong Times* editor Patricia Mukhim
posted on Facebook about a masked attack on “non-tribal youth” (read
“Bangladeshi”) in the village of Lawsohtun. She wrote, “The fact that such
attackers and trouble mongers since 1979 have never been arrested and if
arrested never penalised according to law, suggests that Meghalaya has been
a failed state for a long time now.”

The village council claimed she was picking on them, and what followed was
entirely unnecessary: the police filed a case against her for defamation
and “promoting enmity” and the judiciary has concurred, saying she “sought
to create a divide to the cordial relationship between the tribal and

Mukhim told **, “I find this observation of the Meghalaya High
Court rather strange considering that just before Durga Puja this year, the
Khasi Students’ Union has gone on a postering spree in the city. The
posters said, “All Bengalis in Meghalaya are from Bangladesh.” This is an
imputation that all the Bengali residents of Meghalaya or its capital city
Shillong are illegal migrants. This has been the eco-system under which
non-tribals live in Meghalaya.”

Earlier this week, Mukhim withdrew from the Editor’s Guild of India, which
ignored her persecution, even though it responded with remarkable alacrity
to the (far less meritorious) case of Arnab Goswami, the regime’s favourite
rottweiler-style mouthpiece.

This indomitable one-woman bastion of democratic values, and irreplaceable
role model for journalistic integrity, told Scroll, “What must be said has
to be said. One cannot be too guarded when one is in the pursuit of truth.
I know that truth has many facets but in journalism one must try and find
that truth in what is for the greatest good of humans, especially the
voiceless and powerless. We have to give voice to the underdog and if in
doing so the high and mighty are ruffled, then so be it.”

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