Elvidio Miranda

Initial reported figures point decisively that Covid-19 started either in
the wet markets of Wuhan through the bats, snakes and pangolins or the
virology institute of Wuhan due to an experiment going wrong there,
However, though China first reported the majority of cases, if reports are
to be believed, China managed to control Covid-19 faster than the rest of
the world. If the case of America is taken into consideration, then there
is no doubt that America abjectly failed in containing the corona virus
which led to over 2,50,000 deaths in America itself, a toll that even the
recent wars fought by America in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen and the
rest of America's antagonists did not totally tally ever since 9/11 in
2001. While fatalities in America is ascribed to bad management and sloppy
implementation of standard operating procedures, it has also to be agreed
that American health care system is one of the best in the world and so
what baffles most is how did the over two lakh fifty thousand persons die
in America. Was it abject neglect of following norms like social
distancing, wearing of face masks, use of sanitizers as well as washing
hands as also ;maintenance of environmental hygiene or was it the tardy way
of life of the Americans which might have made them more susceptible to the
corona virus? Just like China should accept the blame for the outbreak of
Covid-19, so also the Americans have to come clean as to why they could not
reduce fatalities by better management of the pandemic. While also, another
reason could be that those that perished in America had greater relative
percentage of comorbidity that resulted in the toll having spiraled out of
control the high death toll is alarming. However also in small measure, if
we consider the global toll of over one million deaths, it can be ascribed
to the fact that the oceans and seas and the trees which account for 50%
each of oxygen generated into the atmosphere and thus as a consequence of
damages due to pollution both in the water bodies and the air worldwide due
to the felling of trees and due to forest wildfires such as the big ones in
the Amazon, California as well as drought in Australia and the subsequent
wildfires there too, it may be argued that coupled with pollution due to
greenhouse gas emissions in particular fossil fuels could be one of the
minor but significant reasons why  due to lack of normal oxygen levels the
world became susceptible to respiratory disease as at least 10% of the
oxygen that would have been released by the oceans, seas have been reduced
and due to air pollution the toll worldwide might have been contained by
10%.Climate change is one of the paramount reasons why the death toll
increased and could have been contained otherwise by at least 10%d to 25%,
Brazil, India, United Kingdom, Spain and Italy are also countries that did
not respond well to curbing fatalities, although in smaller measure
compared to the USA.

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