The British had brought in this section to criminalize and prevent Indians from 
assembling to protest. After Independence, instead of repealing all the 
draconian laws which deny freedom, our government not only keeps misusing this 
section  to deny right to protest, but brings in greater draconian UAPA to turn 
independence and liberty on its head where not only the authorities can freely 
arrest by citing anti national activities, but the victim is guilty until 
proved innocent! It is amazing how government is issuing ordinances with 
impunity at the drop of a hat and crushing democracy using the agencies and 
courts whilst eulogizing our Constitution. India has been polarized and so one 
section will back the BJP whatever they do to the hilt and the other who are 
now out of power expected to be jumping to the ruling tunes! This is now 
confronted by the Farmer's agitation. It is being politicized as usual and with 
the BJP citing farmers being misguided, the foreign hand, Khalistan 
conspiracies, Congress mudding the waters, and the BJP using all agencies and 
propaganda to ram the "reforms" down the farmer's throats. Unlike government 
strong arming successes hitertho, the farmers braving the bitter cold, police 
action with water cannons and Tear gas to prevent them reaching Delhi and 
futile attempts to confine them to a remote "open prison" as seen by the 
farmers, it is ridiculous to see in negociations, government wanting a 
committee and discussions that should have been done in the first place, long 
before promulgating the ordinances! How long can this sort of Trumplike 
democratic governance be tolerated by  a whole section of those badly effected. 
The ploy of national interest will not work everytime, as people and families 
have their lives shattered. The migrant labor plight is fresh in our minds and 
KYC (Know Your Constitution) playing out in letter and spirit is the job of the 
courts to monitor what is in every Indian's interest! It is reported that now 
all India farmers are joinning the movement and police is preventing entry to 
farmers at the borders. At time of writing talks with government have failed 
once again! We in Goa are being prevented by this section from peaceful 
protesting. The farmers agitation could have been prevented if democracy and 
freedom was constitutionally practised in in our nation!

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