We all know climate change is massively disrupting weather patterns all
over the world, with especially devastating effects in our South Asian
countries. But a new study released earlier this week by Columbia
University scientists suggests even our baseline assumptions have been
badly skewed by inadequate data, which fail to register longer-term trends
and variations.

Writing in the journal *Nature Communications*, in their paper headlined
Seven centuries of reconstructed Brahmaputra River discharge demonstrate
underestimated high discharge and flood hazard frequency, 11 co-authors led
by Mukund Palat Rao say “While most climate models predict an intensified
monsoon and increase in flood risk with warming, robust baseline estimates
of natural climate variability in the [Brahmaputra river] basin are limited
by the short observational record.”

Rao et al endeavoured to dig much deeper, using “a new seven-century
(1309–2004 C.E) tree-ring reconstruction of monsoon season Brahmaputra
discharge to demonstrate that the early instrumental period (1956–1986
C.E.) ranks amongst the driest of the past seven centuries (13th
percentile). Further, flood hazard inferred from the recurrence frequency
of high discharge years is severely underestimated by 24–38% in the
instrumental record compared to previous centuries and climate model

Put more simply, this novel research looked at rings in the trunks of
ancient trees from the Brahmaputra river basin, and discovered there was
much greater variation in flood patterns than instrumental records (which
only began in the 1950s) even begin to indicate. In fact, the current era
is actually amongst the driest since the fourteenth century. Bottom line:
even leaving aside climate change, we must expect a far higher frequency of
flooding than previously predicted, because the prevailing models are off
by at least 40%.

This is very bad news for everyone who lives in the giant Brahmaputra river
basin, which extends across vast territories spanning India, Tibet, Bhutan,
Nepal and Bangladesh that are home to over 600 million people.

The researchers from Columbia’s excellent Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
first looked at data from a river-flow gauge at Bahadurabad in northern
Bangladesh, and then contrasted it with tree-ring samples – which are bored
out without damaging the trees - from adjacent old-growth forests (the
oldest was a Tibetan juniper from 449).

Using this method, they compiled a chronology going back 696 years, from
1309 to 2004, which lines up neatly with what we already know about flood
years, but also shows there were extensive periods – such as between 1560
and 1600, and again from 1750 to 1800 – that were far more extreme than
anything we have learned over the past several decades of instrumental

Via email from New York, Rao told me this research tells us “the past
conditions were wetter than the present, and with climate change we expect
the future to be wetter as well. This information did not exist previously.
I think the main implication is that it reinforces that we need to continue
to invest in flood preparedness.

Rao explained, “As trees grow they incorporate information about the
environmental conditions they are living in in their annual growth rings.
Trees in the region grow more, and put on wider rings, in wet monsoon
years. Conversely, in dry monsoon years (or droughts) they grow less, and
put on narrow rings. Since some of these trees can live for a long time, by
taking a small pencil thin tree-core from these trees, and measuring their
rings under a microscope, we can learn more about climate conditions for
the past several centuries. These cores that we take are really small and
do not injure or harm the trees. This field of study is known as

In their *Nature Communications* paper, the co-authors write “we find that
recent decades underestimate the frequency of high discharge and in turn
flood hazard from natural variability by 24.37–37.93% and climate change
impacts by 42.53–50.11%.” Rao elaborated, “if the instruments say we should
expect flooding toward the end of the century to come about every four and
a half years, we are saying we should really expect flooding to come about
every three years.”

*Praemonitus, praemenitus* said the Romans, which translates from Latin as
“forewarned is forearmed.” This new study about Brahmaputra flooding
unambiguously predicts more – and wetter – imminent monsoon seasons than
any other data has ever indicated. But while we know things are going to
get very much wetter, this does not mean disaster is inevitable.

Rao et al also write that we do not have to assume “high discharges will
continue to be associated with an increased likelihood of flood hazard in
the future.” There are many actions that can be taken to prepare for, and
mitigate, the effects of what we now know is definitely on the way. They
conclude, “potential changes in policy, land use or infrastructure [can]
ameliorate ‘flood risk’.”

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