Brutal. In my sad opinion, Goa is truly being regarded as a Conquest.


On Fri, Dec 4, 2020 at 7:15 AM V M <> wrote:

> On 7 April and again on 15 April, even as “the world’s strictest
> lockdown" shuttered India behind closed doors, the National Board for
> Wildlife proceeded with two highly consequential meetings via
> videoconferencing at the direction of the Union environment minister
> Prakash Javadekar (he also holds the seemingly contradictory portfolio
> for heavy industries).
> This is how—while their fellow citizens were distracted by
> pandemic-related anxieties—the board’s standing committee, and then
> its expert appraisal committee, successively rubberstamped approvals
> for an astonishing 16 proposals impinging on ostensibly sacrosanct
> national parks and wildlife sanctuaries. They comprise an ominous
> litany of destruction: stone mining in Kota; railways through a tiger
> corridor in Telangana; roadworks in the Gangotri national park in
> Uttarakhand.
> The biggest loser was India’s smallest state. Goa woke up to find that
> there were now three projects targeting its Bhagwan Mahaveer Wildlife
> Sanctuary and Mollem National Park, which spills across 240 square
> kilometres up the Western Ghats. In December 2019, Javadekar’s board
> had accepted a proposal to double the existing railway track through
> the jungle. Now, it piled on an additional four-lane highway
> expansion, as well as a 400KV electricity transmission line.
> The treble threat targets 250 hectares of old-growth forests,
> including some 60,000 trees, all of which are integral to one of only
> 36 surviving biodiversity hotspots in the world. They are home to
> tigers and gaur, and at least 70 other species of mammals, as well as
> 235 species of birds. This is the watershed of Goa, as well as the
> ultimate guarantor of its food security. At a time when the entire
> world is paralyzed by a zoonotic virus, which passed from animals to
> humans due to habitat destruction, the move quickly galvanized
> resistance in Goa that has steadily mushroomed towards the national
> and international arenas.
> “This is an extraordinary state in more ways than one" wrote justice
> Gautam Patel of the Bombay High Court’s bench in Panjim in 2017 in his
> landmark judgement against moving the western zone of the National
> Green Tribunal from Pune to New Delhi. He noted, “If the NGT has so
> very many cases from Goa, it is not because—or not just because—the
> people of Goa are litigious. It is because they perceive that there is
> something of value here to protect… For this is something none can
> deny: This is a land truly worth fighting for."
> It is certainly true that Goa has seen many strong environmental
> movements over recent decades: The rejection of Thapar DuPont’s Nylon
> 6.6 plant in the 1990s; the cancellation of special economic zones in
> 2007; and the scrapping of the 2011 regional plan. But what has
> happened in the case of Mollem—as covid-19 raged unabated in Goa—is
> nonetheless entirely unprecedented.
> Right through the height of the pandemic which kept most of their
> parents’ generation pre-occupied, an emergent wave of millennials put
> together an astonishingly agile and resilient campaign to raise
> awareness about what’s at stake, and directly combat the three Mollem
> projects. Over the past few weeks and months, protestors have held
> all-night vigils, art competitions and even blocked railway lines in
> an unfolding saga of new age environmental activism. Their sheer
> vitality, and host of innovative strategies spanning the public sphere
> and social media, has thoroughly shaken the state government, and
> drawn huge attention.
> “A campaign of this nature has been a long time coming," says
> 28-year-old Gabriella D’Cruz, one of the members of the core group of
> the #SaveMollem movement. She told me her decision to study
> biodiversity conservation and management at Oxford (where she
> completed her MA in 2018) had been motivated by her experiences in
> Goa, where “young people have grown up being witness to flawed policy
> decisions that have destroyed large sections of our precious natural
> heritage for many years."
> D’Cruz said, “I used to feel an immense sense of helplessness when I
> heard about various environmentally destructive projects being passed
> by the government, and a lot of my friends felt the same way. The
> success of our campaign is that we are able to transform our
> collective feelings of helplessness and anger, along with our
> individual capacities, into a powerful force for good. I really
> believe this is the start of a series of youth-led movements that will
> come. As young people, we see this campaign as an investment of our
> time and energy in our collective future."
> Save Mollem began its work soon after the monsoons started pounding in
> June. The initial core group included D’Cruz, the artists Svabhu Kohli
> and Trisha Dias Sabir, and 34-year-old Dr.Nandini Velho, one of
> India’s most distinguished young wildlife biologists, who has
> extensive experience overseeing Pakke Tiger Reserve and Eaglenest
> Wildlife Sanctuary in the Himalayan foothills of Arunachal Pradesh.
> From the group’s inception, they worked in unexpected ways:
> foregrounding art right alongside science, generating floods of memes
> for Twitter and Instagram, and building an enduring coalition with
> other young people across the subcontinent and the world.
> They distinguished themselves by enlisting support from an
> astonishingly wide range of constituent groups. On their behalf on 18
> June, 18 scientists wrote to Javadekar that “when public sector
> decision makers overlook the connection between healthy ecosystems and
> the well-being of people, ecosystem service trade-offs are made. The
> enhancement of some services leads to the degradation of others. This
> can have unintended consequences for people who depend on degraded
> services. Should an economic evaluation of all these ecosystem
> services be conducted in detail, it would far outweigh the value and
> benefits of the three proposed projects".
> 427 medical and nursing students followed up on 9 July, saying, “such
> rampant forest clearances will disturb the fragile ecosystem balance,
> with consequences including the increase in our chances of being
> exposed to novel agents of many diseases that are present." On 28
> July, it was the turn of 159 representatives from the tourism
> industry, who argued, “With these projects creating deforestation in
> the area, future development of hinterland tourism will be adversely
> affected, which directly opposes the state’s 25-year vision to revamp
> the economy. The current community-based tourism initiatives will also
> be destroyed, damaging the local economy and muting any opportunity to
> make Goa a global leader in sustainable tourism."
> On 1 August, in poetic language, 249 artists further added their
> voice. “We have gathered in unprecedented numbers, across all ages, to
> voice our concerns as a single community and to speak against these
> destructive projects and for the protection of the innumerable species
> whose habitats and lives they threaten, as well as our own…Goa is a
> practicing zone for us, and to strike a blow to our natural heritage
> is to attack the wellspring of our creativity." They concluded, “The
> future of our home state is bleak if we don’t pay close attention to
> protection of the environment, its forests and rivers" and attached a
> set of paintings and drawings to further their case.
> As might be expected, all this thoroughly confused and disoriented the
> state administration, which found itself comprehensively
> outmanoeuvred. Soon after the letters reached Javadekar, the chief
> minister Pramod Sawant began complaining. “The opposition to these
> projects is coming from Africa, England and Russia. Those who have not
> seen Goa and Mollem are now commenting about it from foreign
> countries," he said. His power minister Nilesh Cabral railed that the
> protestors should “first start using solar power".
> But neither of them would come clean on what actually motivates their
> stubborn refusal to back off on cleaving Mollem for massively expanded
> roads, rails and power transmission, which is the fact these projects
> are intended to serve the interests of JSW Steel, Vedanta and the
> Adani Group. All three have an inexhaustible demand for coal for steel
> and power plants across the Deccan plateau, which are markedly cheaper
> to reach from Goa instead of Mangalore or any east coast option. This
> means that the young activists of Save Mollem aren’t just facing off
> against their small state’s hapless government. They’re actually
> contesting against the most powerful and influential special interests
> in India.
> “They (young people) have done such an impressive job," says Prerna
> Singh Bindra, the acclaimed environmental journalist and author, who
> served on the National Board for Wildlife from 2010-13. She said,
> “It’s remarkable how they brought in so many different fields to
> underline how important our forests are to everyone. I have been blown
> away by the art. It inspires and tears you up, but right alongside is
> the excellent science; the lawyers speaking up about subversion of
> procedures; the tourism industry pointing out damage to their
> interests; farmers and fishermen worried about their livelihood; the
> students and the whole question of intergenerational equity. I am
> very, very inspired by this campaign. It gives me hope."
> That message was reiterated by Norma Alvares, the Padma Shri
> award-winning advocate whose Goa Foundation has been the doughtiest
> fighter for Goa’s environment for over four decades. I contacted her
> after several of the young activists I was interviewing told me she
> was their role model, to which Alvares responded, “I am pleased beyond
> words that this movement is being led by young women activists—a
> splendid group who have fully dedicated themselves to the cause of
> protecting the forest and wildlife of Goa and have further extended
> the fight to preventing Goa from being blackened by coal."
> Alvares said, “If the many years that I have given to fighting public
> causes have persuaded at least some of the next generation of women to
> stand up; to decide that it is absolutely imperative to give one’s
> time and effort if we want Goa to remain as beautiful as we know it to
> be, then that brings me true happiness. Causes will come and go. You
> may win some and be not so successful with others. But there is no
> greater sense of achievement for an activist than to know there are
> others who are ready to take the baton onward. Not just onward, but
> forward and higher than our generation could have dreamt of."
> The 67-year-old added, “It’s an unprecedented reversal of roles.
> Usually, it’s the parents who guide their children, but in this case,
> the cause was first taken up by these youngsters, barely out of
> college—and they continue to lead the struggle with determination and
> with verve. No government can afford to ignore, at its own peril, such
> a powerful protest. Governments have devious ways of breaking up a
> movement and so our young friends must be ever vigilant and watchful
> [but] they can’t lose. This planet belongs to them. The future is
> already here."
> That conclusion seems to have filtered deep into the collective
> consciousness of the Save Mollem movement. When I asked D’Cruz what it
> would mean to her if the three projects wound up going ahead despite
> her team’s efforts, she told me, “Losing the battle would definitely
> not be a failure of the campaign, but instead just a clear indication
> that we are up against a very corrupt system. The strength of our team
> effort is that it is young, and, therefore, has tremendous promise for
> the future. We know that the fight for Mollem is an indicator of the
> larger fight we will continue to face, not of a development vs
> environment paradigm, but the need for good policy triumphing over
> bad."
> D’Cruz told me of a recent transcendent experience, “a moment that
> gave me goosebumps, when I was protesting along with more than fifty
> other young people at the steps of the Panjim church. It felt like
> carnival, with dancing in the streets and cars honking in support. We
> ended by singing the national anthem. Traffic stopped, people stood
> still, and all one could hear was our collective voices. I was
> reminded that we are not anti-nationals, dissenters, rebels or
> outsiders. We are actually the ones that care deeply for our country,
> and are willing to put in the work to make sure we safeguard it."

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