Goa is political boiling pot

Goa after liberation in 1961 joined the main stream of Indian political
system.The colonial hangover  still persists with remnants  showing its
effects . It is progressed with leaps and bounds compared to 450 years of
colonial  rule.But the nostalgia is not yet abandoned  . The union
territory  status permitted Goans to adjust  and decide . The MGP and
United Goans were focussed on merger and non merger  .The Ghost of merger
was laid to rest and both parties  tried to reinvent but failed  MGP
founders embraced Congress but some die hard managed to survive it, till it
now  has also  lost its shine.The status of state  and language kept
political  pot boiling till it was achieved. No issues thereafter kept
Goans glued to grandiose dreams.Congress entered the fray and swallowed
all local outfits  to emerge as party, secular  and for development
agenda.The idea made sense as local  politicians were feathering their own
Slowly ,new outfits under different labels  ebbed out sooner than later
.BJP  flew on the wings of MGP ,the oldest party was  extinguished out of
relevance and is gasping for breath at the moment.Currently BJP as the
national party has managed to dig its foot into Goan politics , while GFP
is making waves  with APP trying and testing political waters with no
success.The resignation of APP representative  has put a break into its
plans and is a  temporary setback.
The Goans have assumed notoriety  at all India level for changing parties,
becoming CM,s ,  defections  ,floor crossing at drop of hat,  that has
taught Indian politicians something to note  seriously of new experiments
of political games.The breed of selfish politicians have their own axe to
grind and voters also seem to favour defectors  and corrupt individuals to
survive and flourish
Presently it looks like that voters are fed up with fly by night  local
parties trying to create political space and then sliding into ruling party
combine, abandoning its avowed  aims,deceiving voters on promises of
development in a bid  for personal ambitions.  The old and spent political
forces still survive on brute money and muscle power  to sway opinions in
theur favour and continue to be on political map of Goa  The hope of new
faces, young
 and dynamic have also fallen prey to greed  of power, positions,
influence  and perks unlimited. THE emerging dominance of BJP does not agur
well for  democratic  ,effective opposition. The defection en mass of
congress  legislators is a serious matter to voters of   trust betrayal.
The sheer size of the State is subject to political machinations  of
permutations and combinations,  inspite of boasting of an educated
electorate .  The large influx of the migrants is not only changing
demographic status  but concentrated pockets are also tilting the political
fortunes and scales
It is time  that traditional  Goan  politics rooted in religuous divide for
its survival is further accentuated by National party,openly spousing  the
cause of majority sentiment to the hilt. HENCE Goans need to consider a
viable alternative  to politics of hate,  exclusion  and divisions on
religious  consideration.
APP, , which has survived massive  political onslauhht in Delhi elections
and decimated BJP might  surely merits  the choice to extend the
progressive, people orienred  policies to the State of Goa
It is time that  Goans  bite the bullet and usher in Change  from old wine
in new bottle syndrome
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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