It's easy if you try...
Just heard Claude Alvares on Youtube trying to interest us in reclaiming
for all Goans the none-too-modest returns from our mines, instead of lazily
gifting them away free to the usual privileged few -- Vedanta, Fomento,
Salgaocars, Chowgules. Vedanta you will recognise as the fellows trying to
blacken and blight Goan lives for generations to come through the
destruction of the forests in Mollem, and, are these the very guys we want
to hand over our mining leases, and the huge profits to, when we can work
this Goenchi Mati ourselves? It would make sense to link the Goyant Kollso
Naka campaign, striving so bravely to preserve our trees and our precious
fauna, with the movement to share the profits from mining among all Goans,
or as the veteran activist himself proposes, either that, or let the ore
remain in the ground till future generations can find the best use for it. (

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