It’s a pyjama moment. For the first time in my long and satisfying life I am 
going to have to endure a Pyjama Christmas.

Not for this year the midnight mass followed by the late-night, early-morning 
drinking session of my youth, with friends. Not the late morning visits to 
families and friends with close relationships, rewarded by Christmas sweets and 
of course Christmas drinks.

Not for this year the Christmas night dance with merriment and top bands 
playing live music. The only dancing will be in the drawing room in pyjamas and 
thank heavens for small mercies - roasted turkey, aged sorpotel and lovely 
fluffy idlis made by the friendly neighbourhood Saravana Bhavan.

The thoughts of the season will linger, pyjamas or not, with the Christmas tree 
my wife single-handedly puts up every since we were married.

No problem. A small price to pay for all the happiness over the years that 
makes me during this year’s Christmas season, appreciate it all.


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