Same as India.

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> On 14-Dec-2020, at 1:11 AM, Roland Francis <> wrote:
> Can’t help thinking how when foreign terrorists struck on American soil 
> killing 3 thousand people, puffed up American rage filled with false bravado, 
> destroyed a swath of countries to satisfy their damaged ego.
> Fast forward to the pandemic where America like a helpless and dependent 
> toddler, stares with disinterest as already 300 thousand of their most 
> vulnerable - the old, the poor, the blacks and the latinos mostly, die like 
> helpless poisoned flies leaving behind millions of grieving and heartbroken 
> family and friends.
> Oh America, you have let an evil and idiotic man ride roughshod over you for 
> 4 years, destroying your cherished values and principles which the world once 
> strove to emulate.
> Now your die is cast and even with a thousand Bidens, a hundred Obamas and 
> tens of Clintons, you will never return to your glory days again.
> Roland.
> Toronto.

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