
Your Message-ID: <64de1993.74a2.1765e8b86a5.webtop....@btinternet.com>

Thank you for sharing your post on Palestinian child prisoners tortured….

Unfortunately, from Modi to Trump …..there are inhuman leaders .   They are
undoing everythingJ  In India Modi gives an impression that Gandhi did not
exist,  Trump is undoing everything  Obama and what the Presidents before
did. ….Should we be surprised when Muslims become terrorists?

As lay people we can do something …In my accidental 10 months stay in
Quepem I learnt how easy it is for Hoodlums to undo what my parents did

We must not allow individuals drunk with power .....to continue .....
sooner or later like tyrants before them ,..they will realize that they
have a life span.

(informationclearinghouse.info) is a good source .....one of my family
members uses the site... I had a hard time  just filling my gmail address .


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