In  Goanet Issue 737 (of Boeing Fame) My dear Vivian you offer me a
Challenge ……Most of our Contemporise  are disappearing from Planet
Earth…Some scattered as far as Texas and Tokyo , In the Iconic St. Joseph
Cathedral, countless young Couples said :::I Do:: and went into the
business of procreation.

Fast Forward while I was meeting a new brand East Africans of other Races
in 1956 at Makerere (not only did it include Professional but several
Presidents Mkapa, Prof Kibaki President of Kenya, Judges, Governors of
Banks, Major General Lupogo )  you were frolicking in Kurusini Creek and
realizing how long it was and also deep..That Hippo you encountered was
HUGO and was a pet of Dr Groeber (Sp ??) She was an Austrian and the only
Psychologist in Dar and Probably in Tanzania. Her husband was the owner of
AFI and he had a restaurant  where you could snack (not far from St Joe our
school) …the favourite  Ice Cream was Ramona Cocktail( Ice Cream With
fruit).  If you treated exhausted pocket money of several

There was a ground swell in the 1940's...Goan Teen ageres like Jerry Luis ,
Tony Ferns and Musicians galore who heralded the Jazz Age and inched out
their Fathers interest in Classical Music ...yes there was a Goan
Orchestra  ....when you think of it it was incredible ...all done as part
time activity

 There was another kind of awareness ....fight against Caste, Creed and

Oh yes Dar es Salaam was a fantastic Harbour, it still is ,,The Germans
wanted to make it modern even brought a Floating Dock.  I have no idea how
they managed to street that structure from the open seas past the Mangrove
forest.  World War 1 came -  the British Man-of-War were hunting for the
three German warships  hiding in the largest Mangrove swamp of East Africa
..The Rufiji Delta …There is more to tell about what was there in the
delta,  As Director of BRALUP, I had an international team to advise our
Govt. on its sustainable future.  But back to DSM harbour ….the Germans did
not want the British to use the Harbour,,,so they took the Floating Dock
and let it drift towards the open got trapped on the Southern
Shore and remained there for decades.

St Joseph Cathedral  is still Iconic and mark despite all the Tours of
Babel .

PS The Creek has been spanned by a very costly Bridge …..I doubt more than
a 100 vehicles use it per day, Nobody links it to the Vet Alameda’s Farm,
nor to Martins Farm (next to Tazara and the Sultans Coconut Plantation nor
Fernandes Farm beyond the Airport. .....Goans who decided to go into the
flower business and it still exists ....Butcheries and Bakeries   ....

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