We, the “Friends of 3L (least, last, lost) students and their families”
with a heart filled with gratitude
wish you and your near and dear ones
Christ centred, grace filled, peace filled, cheerful, and meaningful
Christmas without Christ is a mere Xmas, a meaningless word.
Christ is the CENTRE and focus of Christmas and not Santa Clause or
anything else.

2020 was a year of grace for us in our mission of 3L.
Covid-19 did not hinder us to slow down or getting discouraged.
Rather it brought us together much closer with greater dedication.
Persons who are unknown to us joined our tribe on their own.
When many were busy with merely sending us good morning or good night
we generously reached out to 22 students and their families throughout the
On 19th December 7 more poor children were added to 3L community.
In the scenario of Covid-19 pandemic What is Christmas for us in 2020?
3L students became the baby Jesus for us.
Their parents (in two cases only the mother is alive) became Mary and
Their rented or own hut/small home became the crib/manger.
We their friends became the shepherds and magi
The Christmas hamper given to them became the loving gift.
Smile on their faces seeing our gift became the song of the angels.
Our generosity, broad vision, and goodwill towards 3 L became the shining
Christmas Star.
Our sharing and caring love for them became the Christmas Tree of hope in
their uncertain lives.
Their silent thoughts and emotions became Christmas Carols.

For us Christmas is not restricted only for a day but for every day,
because Jesus has said “And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the
age” (Gospel of Matthew. 28:20).
When Jesus is with us it is Christmas for us.

Let us celebrate 2020 Christmas
With gratitude and thanksgiving to our Heavenly Father.
He sent His Son Jesus, to give us the Good News that He loves and cares all
of us.

The true meaning of Christmas is aptly described in
“The American Magazine, vol. 28 (1889) as follows:
“to give up one’s very self – to think only of others – how to bring the
greatest happiness to others – that is the true meaning of Christmas.”
Let us spread this Good News to others especially the 3 L by our generosity.
May Jesus bless us all and increase our tribe of Friends of 3 L.

“Felicem Natalem Christi”. Merry Christmas. Khuxalbhørit Natalam.

Pratap Naik, S.J.
Loyola Hall
Miramar, Goa.
N.B.: 1. I am in ecstasy to see that the phrase 3 L (least, last, lost)
which I had coined a few years ago, has been used now by a few and day by
day becoming known and accepted.
2. I have attached two photos of two 3 L, namely Karuna Kurubaru VI Std
(lost her father) and Melvin Tete KG. Both live at Porvorim, Goa in rented

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