Dynasty Rule
Dynasty rule is an handle for BJP to vex eloquent and drive a point of
Fortunately 3 tall leaders  in different States  and some havev no
immediate family members to inherit political mantle. But leaders are
feathering the nests of near and dear ones  ,relatives   friends to the
hilt   None can be accused  as they do not come  under the ambit of dynasty
Many  a politicians in every party , in every State are promoting ,wives
 children for polical position as MP  MLA,Raja Sabha members and in state
legislative councils
Holding the pisition for life is not  considered serious matter like
dynastic  succession. After all it is contended that voters have rights  to
reject . The term dynastic politics is exclusively used to bash Gandhi
family  Politicians  who shout from roof tops are bereft of issues and will
not frame legislations to limit  office for two terms and baring family
members contesting posts including from  different parties.  For many
politicians  it is a lucrative professions and inducting members of close
family members is a matter of choice No amount  of denigration  will
diminish contributions of either Congress  or Gandhi  family to India
BJp has taken pledge for Congress mukth Bharat  when presently Congress has
diminished  in states ,lokh sabha  Raja Sabha and other local bodies as
oposition  but frightened BJP  constantly targets selectively Congress
party, because it can give BJP run for its money
Regional parties are political force to be reckoned with but BJP  is
predominantly occupied  with Congress alone
BJP  was in doldrums for past many years and have tasted the last fir
power  and desires to continue over long haul while accusing  orher
parties  of political powers
Change will happen as it is a cycle  however long it may take  but it will
and once again their will be reversal of policies
Patience is the key to all solutions
Nelson Lopes Chinchinin

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