Prof. Adolf Mascarenhas informs us that a part of the
House of Wander ( formerly known as Sultan,s palace)
in Zanzibar had collapsed.
I remember from my elders in the fifties that Sultan of
Zanzibar was being rather un cooperative to the terrorist
nations of Western Europe  who were out to carve out large
portions of African territories  as their own spheres of
influence  and managed to do it so well at the Berlin
Conference in 1884
The British who were eyeing islands of Zanzibar and
Pemba ( famous for cloves production and lying opposite
the port of Tanga) met with stiff resistence from the Sultan
of Zanzibar and to cow him down the British sent a gunboat
which bombarded the town of Zanzibar and in the process
knocked down a part of Sultan's palace.( perhaps the same
part of palace that came down recently.
The  islands of Zanzibar and Pemba being off the coast of
Tanzania should have naturally become part of Tanganyika
that Germany obtained for herself in 1884 but somehow the
British clung to their possession.
Perhaps, Prof Adolf Mascarenhas who has vast knowledge of
the East African coast will throw more light on this subject
provided there is some substance it it.

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