Love jihad
This is a  term created by fertile imagination  of BJP.It could have been
called anticonversion,   cheating   , or fraudelent behaviour
The priority  is misplaced  to divert  attention  ,when farmers strike  is
hogging lime light and pandemic situation is at its worst  .It is law by
BJP states  and it   is very  stringent  compared  to rape provision .The
number of cases recorded do not merit ordinance approach  . incidently
there   are more serious cases like rape. Dowry  deaths     child
marriages   ,trafficking  crying  for attention honour killings  girl
foeticide and denial of inheritance , acid defacing   , dicrimination  in
wages, exploitation of domestic workers   , sex determinations,  etc
There are isolated cases of misrepresentations   ,coercion   allurement and
forced  conversions under threats  even physical brutalities after marriage
When two consenting adults decided  why  Permission  is needed from
collector ?  It appears to be minority bashing   villifying   Muslim  men
leading to religious  divide  between two communities.Instances of Hindu
men resorting to such avtivities  do not raise public outcry, condemnations
and they are  not rare  or  isolated.
It is not only bad in law  but against constutional rights under  art 20
There might be a problem like all others but BJP states  focus on this
particular issue  which is  not a major concern at all India level
At times  fringe  organisations take law in their own hands and terrorise
couples., while law looks the other way.WHAT right  do parents  have to
lodge complaint  when the  parties are majors, and how police  take swift
or suo mutto  actions?
Govt interference in private rights and freedom of religion is undesirable
encroachment  on personal liberties
Besides investigation by law enforcing agencies is tardy  ,bias,
prejuidiced and selective to please the masters.  Even court directives
are  flouted  Hence implementation of law is mot objective  The so called
love jihad is a malaise among common  illiterate  folk
Well to do  persons are not subjected to coercive fatwa and excommunication
by religious leaders
The Govt is very vocal to state that it is  not against interfaith unions
but actions suggest otherwise.Interreligious marriages are not limited
between Muslims and Hindus .Nobody buys Govt propaganda that it is a
social   beneficial legislation to protect forced conversions only  against
the will and wishes of person .The marriages vetween Hindu girls and Muslim
men are investigated with vengeance it appears  The hatred against minority
is visible and they are target against terrorism too may be rightly so as
Muslim retaliate against atrocities against their  community

Nelson Lopes  Chinchinimm

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