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Re: We Need to take care of our retired priests ! 

Thank you Albert for bringing this up.

I too feel that the retired priests should be well looked after.

At this time, it remind me of a priest whom I knew personally and who was very 
kind, straight
forward etc. We as yougsters, gave him a pet name 'Bulgem' (Dolphine) as he 
sounded like
crying dolphine while saying mass etc.
His name was Fr. Alban Fernandes. 

As soon as I heard that the priest is in the clergy home, Porvorim, I visited 
him the next
day. I must have met him after about 18 years.
Sadly, he did not recognised me partly because of his illness (partial loss of 
memory etc ).
His room (with attached bath etc) was very untidy and with strong smell of 
Again, after 6 months I visited him and the situation was the same.  There was 
a lady who also
came to visit him (not his relative but could be his neighour) When I was 
offering some money
Fr.Alban was refusing to take but the woman made him to accept. While thanking 
me, she briefly
told me about Fr. Alban's family that they hardly come to see him etc 
At this time I told Fr. Alban that during my next trip April,  I wish to take 
him to my
appartment near Miramar for at least 3 days and that we could go out to Miramar 
beach etc to
which he happily reacted  saying 'thank you..., with permission, we are allowed 
to go and stay
out' This shows that he was really looking forward to go out of his oldage 
clergy home.

 For some reason I could not make it to Goa during April and came in November 
(I think) at
this time I was told Fr. Alban is no more.

May his soul rest in peace.


Besides Bishop House, I feel State should also protect/look after old aged 
Sate could even use whole or part of their (Priests) share in ancestor's 
house/property etc

I am sure different priests get different treatment.
I am sure priest like Fr. Conceisao would get VIP treatment as I have heard 
(may not be true)
from Sancoale and AGAIN from UK that the priest funding Bishop House 
(privately?) right from 
his posting at Calangute, Abelim etc

Could it be for this reason no action was taken against him for his recent 
active involment in
Sun Jul 8 06:26:46 PDT 2007 

I do not criticise any person but our system.While walking along theroad you 
see a poor beggar
all dirty and looking at you for some money orfood or a lame person who cannot 
walk and needs
help.Your son is studying inthe school.He cannot study mathematics and science 
and is
helplessthough he is good with his hands but the world recognises him as 
uselessfellow.We have
priests working with us. Specially the secular priest.Some of themare under 
privedged as they
are posted as chaplains or vicars of churchessituated in remote areas. You 
visit these
churches and you find the priests allalone and has to cook for himself, clean 
himself,etc.His income isvery low. He has to do everything by himself. Take for 
example the
church ofBadem after Assagao. It is situated right on the top of the hill and 
no soulwithin
one kilometer/. Take example of the; church at Torsem on the way toDodomarg. 
The church did
not have a toilet .It was only when the; church washanded to the Paloti fathers 
and a certain
priest was posted there heconstructed toilets by literally begging for 
alms.Many of the priest
due to oldage are sick. Most of them have diabetes. Even though they have 
completedsixty five
sometimes they are never retired.Some of them do not haveanything to rely on at 
their old
age.I met an old priest .He was sick and therewas no one to help him.He could 
barely walk to
visit a house which suppliedhim for food. He even ;had to spend the night all 
by himself.
Lonely .Hisroom is dirty as he himself has to clean it and his sickness has 
made himdull. For
many years he had served the church and its people with dedicationwithout 
thinking about
himself.Their salary does not match the work they do.Neither the people are 
interested in
these sort of priest or the churchitself. Our system is not the right type of 
system. Now my
dear goanetters openyour heart and mind and speak on this rotten system of ours.
Whom shall we blame?

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