Safety of vaccine
How does common man evaluate the risk involveled in getting vaccinated? He
has to depend on experts to make his choice ,  between  vaccines
available.The fear of death due to covid and after effects are not greater
than deaths due to covid.  The after recovery comolications are worrisome
too.Besides it is not compulsory  and peolle are free to exercise their
choice.  The cost of vaccine may be a point to consider. The priority  is
to health workers  and high risk groups the elders. Someone has said that
politicians  who are in these category.and all  of them   must be
vaccinated first  to inspire confidence of general public.If they die it us
good for the country and if they survive it is good for the  people .If
there is greater possibility to save more , the risk are worth it.
Accelerated  manufacture of vaccine is due international cooperation  and
advancement of science. The number of deaths are mind boggling  the world
over.  The vaccine will not only slow  down the spread but it will improve
the economy and diminish the fear and life and activities confined at all
levels. Vaccine is a promise,  a   hope   ,combined with social distances
 hygiene, and wearing of masks. The vaccine and its efficacy  will be
judged with greater participation across nations age groups,  ethnicities
and scientists have tested it successfully,though the percentages may not
be a barometer of guarantee. Is there a better alternative  to vaccine?
The wave of spread in  UK and lockdown  is an indication of havoc  that is
in store

Nelson lopes Chinchinim

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