The day of declaring Biden as next President of USA by, the seize of
Capital Hill  is unpardonable.The instigation and encouragement by
President is  downright mean and  shameful . The N.Guards were not able to
avoid  breach of  the perimeter as they were outnumbered.Surprising that
security measures were  underestimated  and it was  too late when
reinforcement were called as common sense indicated potential explosive
situation.How coukd security misjudge the unfolding situation?
A woman was shot in the chest   ,a police shifted to hospital and
protesters entered the fortified chamber of speaker   ,occupying her chair
,one protesters  sitting in the Chair of Mike Pence and protesters entered
the sacred precincts of  hall of electors in drones.  Armed guards  posted
at entrance insude with arms  drawn.Pence was whisked away ,other
legislators  were provided  gas masks  and priority was security, safety of
law makers.Protesters ,white supremacists climbed walls ,broke windows to
make their forced entry..NG withdrew as they were unprepared to deal with
unexpected chaos
The horrific incident was a blot on the Democratic traditions  of world
greatest, oldest democracy.  It was no ordinary protest   it was
chaos,lawlesness, sedition ,treason like o f which w as never witnessed
ever before and law makers must find legal  ,constitutional remedy to fix
responsibility as the bubble of supremacy was pricked..America's
pride,glory  had to hang its head in shame..The world watched the
unfolding  horror  in sheer  disbelief. Trump by his action has disgraced
the Country, constitution,voters  and damaged the Republican party beyond
repairs.The seat of power was defiled by seize of  invading mobs on the
Capitol hill.Did Trump make America great by urging white supremacist  to
derail the constitutional process by physical forcec of mumbers? TRUMP
tried  till last minute to assert his  illusive victory  after exhausting
legal   and constitutional measures avaiable and failed to accept concede
monumental defeat by unprecedented  margins.
Never before any American President  had stooped to such  low , mean,
illegal  levels of conduct,speech and action.The scar tarnishing the
unblemished glory  of America and its  people is soaked in shame and
disgrace. As days pass the legislators across parties will have to undo the
damage to America, the hooliganism, vandalisation and seize on Capitol
Hill.The law enforcement had to exercise maximum restraint to porotect
legislators,  prevent blood shed to stain democratic fabric  of Democratic
pride of America.Trumpism will forever be burried in the annals of great
American traditionsTrump used every trick including and urging Pence to
assure his continuity amidst  all odds and massive will of the American
people  dumping Trump in the dust bin of politics.

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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