Deficiency postal service

Forms for postal services are not updated even online. The subjective
interpretation and demands not part of the form causes repeated visits and
is avoidable harassment specially to senior citizens

Death claim forms need two witness and “accepted” is  interpreted  as
signing in presence. No provision in the form to submit signed Aadhar
copies of Witnesses with mobiles or in duplicate, besides Xerox copies  of
duplicate form refused. Demands presence in person of investors for
submitting and payments, when cheque payment is requested. Submission
through messenger service not accepted, which facility is not withdrawn.
Wonder  if agents are  exclusively to facilitate new funds.  All this
paranoia can be quashed by issuing cheques, which process demands  extra
work. Are the witnesses’ guarantors to lay undue stress, as no witnesses
are needed at the time of investments. It is understandable, if there is
variation in signatures of investors. Senior citizens are harassed due to
repeated visits. Hence payment by cheques  and through local post offices
can effectively check paranoia on   frauds

 Change of nomination form makes no provision about relationship with the
investors, yet subjective demand. Is the investor not free to nominate
anyone irrespective of relationship? The form needs a serial number of
certificates when books are issued .Not mentioned is  one form for each
nomination. Rs 59 charge for every nomination even for the first time is
exploitive and no other investment  institution levies it. Change of
nomination in case of death is a legitimate one time affair.  Why two
witnesses to change the nomination, when not required at the time of
investment? Investment is personal, then why expose confidential data to
outsider’s .At the time of investment charges for change of nominations are
not mentioned. Why accounts of minors frozen demanding AAdhar Card,Minors
cannot have photo affixed and have to seek a fresh Aadhar card after 18
years. Why is the parents card not sufficient?

There is a heavy rush at Head post office because of higher withdrawal
limits and at local post offices investors have to indent amounts and wait
to receive. The facility for local offices to maintain balance must be
explored. Post offices may soon open Banking facilities, wonder what the
scenario will be? Best to avoid investment with Posts when local Govt,Banks
are available even with facilities like NSC investment.

Two out three Regd A.D letters to Postal authorities have been replied.
Office of Postmaster General, Goa Region Dated28-12-2020,5-01-2021marked
top Priority  ,Public Complaint, “and to  look into the matter, give
suitable reply to the complainant under intimation to this office”

I shall wait and still waiting to hear from directed authorities of the post

Adv.Nelson Lopes


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