-------- Original Message ----------
From: MELVYN FERNANDES <melvynfernan...@virginmedia.com>
To: MELVYN FERNANDES <mel...@symtravels.com>
Date: 21 January 2021 at 20:33
Subject: Cocunut Oil vs Covid-19

Cocunut Oil vs Covid-19

Today 21st J anuary is the 21st day of the 21st year of the 21st century. All 
the Infants  born at the start of the millennium  maybe celebrating their 21sy 
Birthday as in Gods will  you may remember the millennium  Ptayer sung  by Sir  
Cliff Richards “OUR Father”

Click Here


Two days ago the January edition of Goa Today arrived at my home  near  London 
England always on time for the last forty years despite the current Conid 
Pandemic with all of us in lockdown in the United Kingdom. Bravo.

On the inner cover is an advertisement on Cocunut Oil and Products. This 
reminded me of a message I sent on 29 March 2020 to all and as Goanet reaches 
incredible parts of the world I am repeating an extract  please let friends and 
family know about Cocunut oil as a barrier to  Covid viris.. As you are aware 
this Virus Covid -19 is indiscrimatory,you need to protect your respiratory 
tract both upper and lower .If you agree prevention is better than cure.

For a more detailed explanation please play u-tube clip of 23 March  by Dr  
Piroja Pardiwalla Homeopathic Doctor.

Click below


Having (CKD Stage4)  Chronic Kidney Disease I am connected to a Kidney  
Dialysis Machine in Hospital three times a week and since March 2020  have been 
following the advice on the video of applying coconut oil to nostrols 
,ears.eyes to protect my breathing.

The ward I attend has had a sprinkling of Covid Deaths despite wearing masks 
and washing hands, the Hospital  to date over a thousand deaths and still 

I have had seven tests all negative and now with this new strain I am having to 
undergo tests weekly. I hope I can save a life with this note on Cocunut Oil 
thanks to Goa Today for the Reminder and Goanet for passing on this message.

Next Month February 21st will be the 21st day of the second month of the 21 
year of the 21st century and someones birthday  with the help of technology and 
multimedia lets get together in our global village and party see U tube and 
Facrbook for examples

World Goa Day oct 2020

Norman Cardozo Tributes and Christmas Show

Silver L Lining with Tamara  Roy Gavin New Years Party

Soul Fry. Jazz Goa

Someone to Coordinate  please let me know.

Melvyn Fernandes

Thornton Heath Surrey

211 January 2021.



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