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       International Cuisine Conference on Traditional Asian Diet 
    Panaji, Goa, September 2-5, 2007  -  http://www.indologygoa.in
              Online Media Partner:  http://www.goanet.org

Mogall Miguelbab,
I rejoice at your “new-found” happiness.  But I
believe there was really no reason for you to feel
unhappy earlier.  It was all a result of
misunderstanding on your part solely because you gave
too much credence to charlatans.  Consequently you
assumed (or believed the canard) that I am/was against
the use of Romi (i.e. Roman script) for writing
Konkani.  This canard is still being propagated and, I
am sorry to say, it is some Catholic priests who are
at the root of this.  They have even dubbed GULAB
magazine as anti-Romi.  And, since the source of this
“information” are Catholic priests, other Catholic
priests also believe it to be the Gospel Truth.  The
same goes for the Catholic laity at large; how could
they left far behind when a writer of your stature
could be misled?  But the truth is that, for over a
year now, I have been writing in GULAB a page every
month on writing Konkani correctly in Romi.  The
column is entitled “Konknni ‘Nitt’ Boroum-ia.”  
Probably you too believed this canard and have stopped
reading GULAB; else you should have known this for a
But you are not a fool; you would not believe in a
canard unless there was some other corroborative
evidence.  There was!  What has been my stand during
all these three years and more?  I am against an
Amendment to the Official Language Act to include
Roman script.  Why?  Because, given the composition of
the Legislative Assembly (current or the last one), at
THE VERY BEST it will fail to get the requisite number
of votes (therefore, no damage done) or, at WORST, it
could end up rescinding the current status of Konkani
itself and putting Marathi in its place (a calamity). 
I have also been busy nailing the lies and half-truths
which the vested interests have been propagating for
their own ulterior and nefarious motives; and I have
done this with VERIFIABLE facts, figures and
references.  And, since they have labeled themselves
as “protagonists” of Romi, I (being their opponent)
was obviously dubbed as “antagonist.”   One of their
canards was that the Goa Konkani Akademi did not
publish any Konkani books written in Romi and, ipso
facto, was anti-Romi; this “injustice” was also cited
as the result of the OLA.  I made enquiries and learnt
that not a single manuscript in Romi was rejected by
assistance in publication, under any of its schemes. 
Now, you tell me.  How can you fault the Akademi in
this situation?  If these “stalwarts” were really
interested in Romi should they not have motivated
writers to submit their manuscripts?  I also learnt
another fact; a “stalwart” had undertaken a GKA
project to compile an anthology of lyrics of 101 tiatr
songs 15 years ago but has not completed it till date.
 Therefore, the boot was actually on the other foot! 
The sad fact is that Goans at large have no option but
to believe the piffle dished out by clergymen and
comedian tiatrists.
Contrary to what you have been propagating, the
booklet of Orthographic Rules is not a work of
collaboration (or working together) of just the three
persons you have mentioned which was published by the
Goa Konkani Akademi.  The Akademi constituted a
Committee for the purpose and these three were SOME of
the members; the entire Committee is mentioned in the
booklet itself.  The orthographic rules were arrived
at after discussions at several meetings in the Mons.
Dalgado Library of GKA.  Therefore it would not be
proper to call these persons the AUTHORS of the
booklet; they all contributed to the outcome.  
Recently the Dalgado Konkani Akademi conducted
workshops for Romi writers.  The resource persons were
Pundalik Naik for “Short Story Writing” and Fr. Pratap
Naik for “Romi Orthography.”  Didn’t it strike you as
odd that DKA (which claims that several Romi writers
have been denied the Sahitya Akademi award) could not
find a single ROMI writer as resource person for
either session?  That, in spite of both the President
and the Secretary of DKA having been members of the
Orthographic Rules Committee, neither of them took the
responsibility of guiding the participants in the
relevant session and had to take the help of a KANNADA
script Konkani writer to do the honours?  Please
ponder over this, if you have not already done so. 

Borem magun,
S. M. Borges
Nagdoli, Velim, Salcete.

"Miguel Braganza" [EMAIL PROTECTED],wrote:

<<Personally, I was never happier for Konkani than
when I read that the new Konkani Orthography in Roman
script has YOU and Tomazinho Cardoz + Jose Salvador
Fernandes working TOGETHER along with the Goa Konkani

S. M. Borges

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