While I have no different opinion from Antonio Menezes on Alvaro Loyola 
Furtado, I sometimes ask myself with benefit of hindsight whether Goa would not 
have been better off as a district of Maharastra if the Opinion Poll had gone 
the other way.

Here are several reasons:
a) On the corruption scale, Maharashtra Police are less corrupt than Goa 
Police. Besides unlike Goa, they strike fear in criminals and their case solve 
rate is much much higher and quicker too.
B) Their politicians are held to account not only by the press in the state but 
also by the active and militant sections of their society.
C) Maharastra politicians have a lot of private respect for Goa and its 
citizens - more than Goa politicians have shown so far to their own people.
D) Goa would not have been filled by boorish and uncouth politically 
well-connected moneybags from northern India. More cosmopolitan, law abiding 
and educated people would have populated the place.
E) Goa through Maharastra, would have had the clout with Delhi that it can only 
dream of as an insignificant nobody state. That would have earned the territory 
several advantages.
F) Goa would have no electricity issues being part of the Maharastra 
surplus-power grid.

Antonio Menezes writes:
Dr. Alvaro was above all a humble aristocrat from the village of Chinchinim. He 
has many achievements to his credit. But for me, personally, he was the giant 
Salcete politician who helped garner valuable Opinion Poll votes particularly 
in Salcete. I may add that he never aspired to have a statue of himself.


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