Agree absolutely. 

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> On 04-Feb-2021, at 6:34 PM, Mervyn Maciel <> 
> wrote:
> Good post.
> I feel it is to our utter shame that we look down
> on those working with their hands.
>  If anything, we should be grateful that we have
> such individuals around- else, where would we be
> without our builders, plumbers,carpenters, potters
> and others?  I think they should be accorded the
> same respect as other professions and encouraged.
> Here, in the West, such individuals are high earners
> and much respected.
>   Let's not forget the words of Alexander Pope -
> *'Honour and shame from no condition rise, *
> *Act well thy part - there all the honour lies'*
> Mervyn Maciel

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