Q on Fb group: Quick question.   Is carnival a religious celebration or
state celebration?

A It is a Goa State celebration since 1988. Prior to that it was an Union
Territory celebration since 1971. It was a people's celebration   .....
Without floats but cocote battles, men dressed as clowns or devils, water
pistols and sll kind of talcum and colours. In Mapusa, the defeat of
Kustoba Rane by the Tropa dos Suissos was celebrated with a Thanksgiving
mass at the Capella de Suissos (incorrectly translated as Swiss Chapel) and
a profession up the hill to the Delegado de Saude (now UHC) with the latest
married couples in Angodd dressed as the Ranes. No King Momo in Mapusa, it
was a Rano. The Rane's flag was shot down on Tuesday. Documented by Dona
Bertha de Menezes in her book on the chapel. (Grandmother of Sandip
Jacques, IAS)

A It is a government patronised tamasha to promote tourism.

(This came up via the Goa Speaks group. Replies from Tony Martin and Miguel

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