You could well be right, Bwana as, the following year(1926), he
came down to Mombasa to officiate at the wedding of my parents!
I have a note of this somewhere in my 'saved documents' which I can't
just find now!
   What a big crowd at your grandparent's wedding.
Wonder who coped with the catering - feeding the five thousand??!
Couldn't spot my granduncle in the photo although it is quite likely
he was there.

Mzee Mervyn

On Thu, 11 Feb 2021 at 00:18, Mervyn Lobo <> wrote:

> Bwana Mervyn,
> Judging from the dates, you granduncle could have been the one who
> officiated my grandparents wedding in Zanzibar in 1925. Here is a picture
> of the wedding guests outside St. Josephs Cathedral. I am not sure if Fr.
> D'sa is in the picture.
> You have always been unpretentious but I do know that the bother of Fr.
> D'sa - your grandfather - was awarded The Brilliant Star of Zanzibar by the
> Sultan. Among other Goans I know who received the same award are D.B.
> Pereira - the first of our family to settle there, his son and his
> son-in-law i.e. my grandfather. That award stopped after the revolution.
> The other Mervyn
> On Wednesday, February 10, 2021, 02:14:58 p.m. CST, Mervyn Maciel <
>> wrote:
> Thanks Adolfo.
> My granduncle, Fr. Lucien D'Sa returned to Goa
> after his missionary service in East Africa and
> in fact died in Goa. He is buried in our village
> cemetery in Moira.
> Best.
> Mervyn M.
> On Wed, 10 Feb 2021 at 19:41, Adolfo Mascarenhas <>
> wrote:
> Would you believe it ....there was a GOAN WHITE FATHER (This is the first
> time I am hearing of a coloured White Father) The order started in French
> North Africa and they were dressed in Black.  The picture I saw of this
> remarkable Goan White Father, was he was seated in a human drawn Rickshaw
> .....The pullers of the two wheeler were all Moslems ....turbaned or
> fezzed.
> The Priest was called    Fr. Lucien D'sa. ...His name even appeared in the
> the Zanzibar Gazette of 1910 ...This meant that he could officiate at
> Catholic Marriages etc ......
> Where did he go after Zanzibar the Mainland  or to Goa
> ..
> :::: I personally own a great deal to Fr. Walsh, from Eire. who was an
> Irish White Father and a real nationalist.  I do not know how my Father
> knew Father Walsh, but we went to see him, he suggested that I could get a
> degree from University of London, without going to London, just as we did
> our Cambridge School Certificate without going to Cambridge !!!  That
> brought a whole lot of Goans from DSM ...Father Walsh advised President
> Julius Nyerere.  Being Irish he was friendly with the 5 Irish Fathers in
> Pugu Secondary School. ...that was where I was the Geographer Master
> ...teaching the first crop of Tanzania 7 students for their Cambridge A
> level. What a crop ...3 of them became Judges, one a Government Verifier in
> Treasury, one Head of National Development Corporation/etc .....It is not
> what you teach its how you encourage students to think ....I picked a blade
> of grass and I asked them what was its name ...only one Maasai knew its
> name but the students knew a great deal about the vegetation of Great
> Britain...It was not only colonization of the land but also the mind.
> So who was this Goan White Father ....
> Adolfo   ...
> Makongo Juu
> PS .Now I get it The Goan White Father ..the French built the Church in
> Zanzibar ..The French were impressed by the Goan Photographers ...and there
> were more Goan Parishioners than French, English, or German  .its very much
> like the Church in Bagamoyo ....I lived there when I was 7 ears old

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