Carnival of  yester years

It was a great occasion   , fun filled 3  joyous days.Open air folk plays
were a big draw for old and  young  alike  It was seasonal and much looked
forward  entertainmentat door steps
At our place the Mand  is almost hundred years old.  Such small mands
existed in other place but not of the fame of Dandeavado. LOCAL residents
contributed and that paid for the plays. The elders then were protective of
Lady folks and did not want them to be subjected to any sexual abuse under
the licence of Carnival
 No donations  from rich and politicians and names of local defaulters wete
announced publicly at plays, which forced them to contribute. Every play
was hosted and no dramatic troupe was sent back ever on their voluntary
visit at Dandeavaddo and they never demanded their fees as such.Dandeavaddo
was a place  of choice to visit during Carnival even to day
People from far away places used  to carry their tiffins and stay for the
whole day Locals were outnumbered by outside spectators hence the
tradition  to stop performances beyond 8 p.m was revised .The plays were
performed at ground level and of late on stage with  sound system Many a
times the actor's were provided meals by the villagers in
compensation.They  the performers with the band used to move on foot from
place to place.
They had to stage the plays at the residence of Regidor for certification
of content  to avoid  satire  and criticism Portuguese  Govt.Hence that
place used to be thronged by spectators for a free show that was not always
a complete play
I t was MOSTLY VILlage affair .There were some famous,popular  Carnival
dances at Sinquetim and Orlim red and  black attire, later was restricted
by select invitation.Margao Municipality used  to sponsor some  free plays
fof public Some philantrophists staged plays at their residences too
The people were dressed in colouful clothes and it  was a festive ocassion
at homes.Throwing of powder missiles was a tolerable nuisance and also
smearing with   powder  and indigo dye was a common practice.Carnival was
ocassion to go about with masks  distributing sweets,  doce and  also some
activities to sell items.It was a challenge to identify or unmask the  mask
wearers. WEARING OF MASK WAS A DISTINCT practice. On the last day of
carnival it was a  bit  of a nuisance for ladies to venture out, but it was
not a licence for sexual harassment  and it was taken in sporting spirit
.It was an special  occasion  for the lovers to meet in disguise .
To day  the carnival is hijacked  by Govt to attarct Tourist and uprooted
from villages to streets of major cities and towns for display of floats
,ostentially  displaying so called  culture andd tradition  but it is more
commercialised.The massive crowd is a new intoxicant  on streets of  major
The winds have changed and so also carnival celebration unique Portuguese
legacy only in Goa. of late sigmo celebrations are also coompeting with
great pom and pride unlike in the past where not very popular

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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