Our India may be known as the world’s largest democracy but we need to have
urgent and radical electoral reforms to bring the system in line with the
changing times.

As Politics is no longer a mission but has become a profession, it must
have a retirement age mandated by law just like other professions. Persons
should also be restricted from holding office to the same elected position
for a maximum of two terms. This would enable fresh faces to be infused
into the system. The law must also prescribe a mandatory educational
qualification for every elected position, may it be a MP, MLA, Corporator
or Panchayat member.

We need to amend the law to ensure that political morality prevails. The
Anti-defection law came into force in 1985 to deter the endemic of
political defections by legislators who are motivated by the lure of office
and monetary gains. The intent of the law was to prevent corruption by way
of horse-trading and to debar defecting MPs and MLAs from holding public
office for five years and from contesting the next election if they defect.

Goa may be India’s smallest State but has become a laboratory for every
possible political experiment and has shown the nation the ways and means
to circumvent the Anti- Defection law, with political prostitution and
party turncoats at its very hilt. So there is a need to legally plug those
loopholes in this now defective law.

Ethics should always be an integral part of politics. Citizens demand
ethical behaviour from the political leadership. They trust their leaders
to make moral judgments of process and policy where transparency and zero
tolerance to corruption and nepotism should be paramount.

Lawmakers have a fundamental and moral duty to lead by example and must
never be law breakers or abuse the trust that people have vested in them.
Authentic Leadership can only be practiced through ethical Governance.

Not to defeat the very intent of the law, there is a need to ensure that
election petitions and more particularly those relating to the Anti-
Defection law should be decided very expeditiously in a time bound manner
by an independent authority possibly the Courts and not by the Speaker of
the Lok Sabha or Legislative Assemblies who instead of being fair and
independent have proven to be acting as partisan tools of the ruling
party.  We need to ensure that by law those elected are made accountable
for their deeds and misdeeds.

The late American President, John F Kennedy declared ‘the basis of
effective Government is public confidence and that confidence is endangered
when ethical standards falter or appear to falter’. These wise words have
proved to be prophetically true of our nation currently lacking in
authentic leadership and good, effective Governance.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues



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