Elvidio Miranda
India cannot afford to have both, equality of opportunity as far as education 
is concerned and thereafter job selection and reservations as well. The time 
has come to move to a higher level, where every form of equality of education 
up to the graduation level should be made affordable, either making it free up 
to the 12th standard level or providing low-interest easy installment paying 
loans that will facilitate everyone to get the education of the desired level 
by free choice. If this is done reservations on the basis of caste, creed or 
even gender should not be allowed. Having provided equal opportunity to get the 
best education, no reservations should be allowed but merit should only be the 
sole criteria for obtaining jobs. This will build a society where everyone is 
upwardly mobile by sheer dint of merit and a system where nepotism, cronyism 
and bribery for obtaining jobs is totally eradicated. It might seem 
far-fetched, but definitely not impossible. Until the quest for merit only job 
appointments are fulfilled, India will lag behind and most of our scholars will 
migrate to other developed countries and our society will stop retaining the 
best talent in all fields. There should be very strict tests for practical 
ability, written proficiency and oral aptitude without bias.

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