It may be the laid norm for Courts not to intervene once the electoral
process is set into motion. But after glaring electoral fraud and
subversion of law having come to light, the Goa Government was living in a
fool’s paradise if it expected the Judiciary to be a mere spectator to the
law being grossly subverted.

After the fraud in the electoral process to the Municipal elections was
unearthed, the Goa Government should have gracefully accepted that 1st
March decisive but mild worded High Court decision. But on account of its
arrogance and ego, in a wrong move chose to approach the Supreme Court only
to be thrashed with a strongly worded very humiliating verdict.

After the Supreme Court on 4th March as an interim measure stayed the High
Court order, our ‘accidental’ Chief Minister Pramod Sawant in a knee jerk
reaction blurted that his government stood vindicated. Now after the
Supreme Court drubbing he meekly says he accepts the verdict. Did he have
any other option? And the Chief Minister cannot claim that those were
mistakes in the reservation process as the whole world now knows that it
was a well orchestrated political manipulation at the highest level.

Infact after that damming Supreme Court verdict the Chief Minister ought to
have resigned or at least sacked his Urban Development Minister Milind Naik
who was primarily responsible for this great treachery. But gone are the
days when owning moral responsibility, the Railway Minister used to resign
after a rail mishap.

Our High Court in its 94 page very reasoned judgment had rightly stopped
this absolute fraud on the very democratic process which if allowed would
have been a sheer mockery of the electoral process. It was unlawful and
very high-handed for the Government to give its Law Secretary the
additional charge as head of the State Election Commission (SEC) who
merrily abdicated in his constitutional duty and allowed the electoral
process to be dictated and driven by the politicians in Power.

It is imperative that as in other States the delimitation as well as the
reservation of seats should be all entrusted to the SEC with proper
rules and guidelines framed while  there is no interference from
Ministers and ruling MLAs in this process which ought to be totally
transparent, extremely fair and strictly in accordance with law.

Needless to say the SEC must be headed by a distinguished person of
Eminence and proven integrity who as required by law can function very
independently without any political influence or interference. There is an
absolute need to restore the sanctity and much needed sanity at the SEC
with all safeguards in place to guarantee that it never ever again succumbs
to any political pressures or maneuvers that we have witnessed in the last
few weeks.

This very erring State Election Commissioner cannot get away lightly with
the political chicanery that he allowed. He must be made to personally pay
up for all the expenses incurred by the tax payer to litigate this issue in
the High Court and the Supreme Court. Ends of justice would not be met
unless he is also penalized by way of disciplinary action for having acted
as a puppet of those in power and manipulating the electoral process, This
was a serious finding by the High Court which was upheld by the highest
court of our country in its landmark 96 page judgment while restoring
Democracy, upholding the Constitution and the Rule of law.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012




You can also reach me on AiresRodrigues


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