The Constitution of India makes a special provision to safeguard the
existence, continuity and independence of the bureaucracy in Articles 309
to 312. The framers of the Constitution wanted that the bureaucrats be free
from political persecution and intimidation.

The bureaucracy has to be independent and impartial but sadly in Goa it is
not living up to this reputation. Some bureaucrats in Goa seem to have
totally surrendered to the political rot.

The latest glaring example is of the Law Secretary who while officiating as
the State Election Commissioner merrily danced to the tunes of his
political masters. This very sordid saga has been taken serious note of by
our High Court and later by the Supreme Court in very heavily worded

The entire bureaucracy must ensure that the State administration at all
levels is kept free from political interference. It is unacceptable that
officials shamelessly bend and bow all over, while signing on the dotted
line at the dictates of the politicians in Power. This not only sets a bad
trend, but also exposes the bureaucrats to criminal prosecution for
intentionally allowing wrong decisions even on vital matters.

Every government employee from the Peon to the Head of the Department
cannot be directly or directly engaging themselves or participating in any
work pertaining to any political party.  This is totally out of place and
no government servant should ever have an occasion to visit an office of a
political party.

Over the last few decades in particular we have seen successive governments
using bureaucrats as pawns in their political games, and the situation has
just got worse in recent years.

Goa has seen and I have been personal witness to brave officers like a
former Chief Secretary S.R.Sharma who in 1999 and a former DGP R.S.Sahaye
who in 2000 refused to succumb to the unlawful political diktats and were
ready to be over night shunted out. The government had the audacity of
humiliating these two officers to the extent of locking their offices and
withdrawing the personal staff at their residences while they were readying
to depart by the first available flight.

We need to stem the rot over this interdependent chronic relationship that
exists between Ministers and civil servants. It may be time for the
parameters of the relationship between ministers and civil servants is made
abundantly clear by having a code of conduct for bureaucrats and a code of
ethics for Ministers which ensures a neutral relationship between a
Minister and Civil servants. The fundamental focus has to be on the
political neutrality and impartiality of civil servants preserved at all
costs. The bureaucrats in Goa cannot be reduced to being caged parrots.

Politicians should realize that officers are there to advise and guide them
on issues and not to just adhere to the illegal and unlawful political

It is the bounden duty of every government officer to strictly ensure that
every proposal they are vetting and approving is absolutely in accordance
with law and the constitutional framework.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012




You can also reach me on AiresRodrigues


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