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10. Re: Crucfixianity on GoaNet

Hei Kevin,

Your reference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Far_Side is a good fun
read. Thanks I enjoyed it. I think many others should read it too. The
one on the chimpanzee's and Jane Goodhall is hilarious. It is odd that
the institute she worked for felt slighted by the offense to Jane
Goodhall whereas like a true sport she took it in good humour which
was what it was meant to be. Wonderful.

"As for the foundations of our legal system rooted in supernatural
beliefs, I appreciate your extensive thesis on the matter but
respectfully disagree" . LOL Kevin. I am flattered by the extensive
thesis bit to what I must confess was plagiarised from the net. By the
way your comment on the beginings of the legal system promted me to
look up the net. So I was pleasantly surprised to read what I put out
in quotes in goanet for every ones benefit.  So in disagreeing you are
rejecting accepted received opinion of the legal system early

What was said on the net reference is that all our legal systems have
been defined by man although primitive man felt that god had dictated
the system to the king, patriarch or whoever. The tablets and all you
refer to are man written. There is not a shred of evidence anywhere of
God's handwriting anywhere. Indeed, it would be a very strange God who
went around chiseling out the law on lumps of rock. It is a scenario I
would hate to imagine (What stone, what language, what format, what
about amendments). Very simply all laws are man made to allow people
in live in harmony even if one would like to ascribe them to Gods

The bit about Thou shall not Kill. Not even predators kill for the fun
of it. It makes sense when you think about it of why expend energy
wastefully when there is a risk of injury.

Yes, like you noticed yourself you are digressing. I can add that you
are rambling a bit but it was interesting stuff all the same. :))).


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