Text of the Act is attached

 Subject: Major Port Authorities Act 2021  Date: 21/03/2021

Dangerous consequences for Goa due to inclusion of Mormugao Port under Major 
Port Authorities Act, 2021
Awareneness handout from All Goa Small Scale Responsible Fisheries Union, 190, 
Nauxim, Bambolim, Tiswadi, Goa

Government of India through an extraordinary issue of Gazette of India (Part 
II, Section 1) dated February 18, 2021 has published Major Port Authorities Act 
2021 after receiving assent of the President of India on February 17, 2021. 
Passing of this law without consulting Goa's fishing communities and public has 
posed major dangers to Goa, its fishing based livelihoods and other 
ramifications because of the following reasons:
1. Section 1 (3) has has included Mormugao Port where in this law will be made 
applicable within 90 days of its passing. That means this law will take effect 
from May 20, 2021.
2. Section 2(1)(y) has definition of "port limit". Draft Coastal Zone 
Management Plan (CZMP) has marked several patched inside Goa's rivers as "port 
limit" there by creating grounds to attract application of Major Port Act, 
2021. Definition under section 2 (1) states " Port limit in relation to a major 
port, means the limits including any piers, jetties, landing places, wharves, 
quayside, docks and other werks made on behalf of the Public for convenience of 
traffic, for safety of vessels or for the improvement, maintenance or good 
governance of the Major Port and its approaches whether within or without high 
water mark, and subject to any right of private property there in, any portion 
of the shore or bank within fifty yards of high-water mark and the area of such 
Major Port as may be determined by the Central Government by way of 
notification from time to time."
3. Section 25 empowers Board of each major port covered under this law to 
prepare it's own master plan "in respect of any development or infrastructure 
established or proposed to be established with the port limits and the land 
appurtenant thereto and such master plan shall be independent of any local or 
State Government regulations of any authority whatsoever : Provided that in 
case of any conflict between the master plan created by the Board and any local 
authority, the master plan created by the Board shall prevail."
4. Section 22(3) states "The Board of each Major Port may erect, construct or 
build such civil structures for port development or improving commerce and 
trade in national interest for which no regulatory license or approval from the 
State authorities shall be required, unless so mandated by the Central 
Government. " The Panchayats, Municipalities and even Government of Goa is 
divested of all the decision making powers within port limits which draft CZMP 
has spread out far and wide needlessly to facilitate notification of port limit 
by Central government. Even M.L.A roles will become redundant with all the 
powers concentrating in the hand of Board of Major Port.
5. Section 23 is dealing with acquisition of land that is known in legal terms 
as immovable property. This provision states "Where any immovable property is 
required for the purpose of the Board, the Central Government or as the case 
may be, the State Government may, at the request of the Board, procure the 
acquisition thereof under the provisions of Right of Fair Compensation and 
Transparency Act, 2013 or any other law for the time being in force, and on 
payment by the Board, the compensation awarded under that Act and of the 
charged incurred by the Government in connection with the proceedings, the land 
shall shall vest in the Board". Its land outside the port limit. Land within 
port limits automatically comes under Board Jurisdiction after central 
government notification.
6. Section 21(a) states "The Board of the Major Port Authority shall be the 
successor of the Board of Trustees constituted under the Major Port Trusts Act, 
7. Section 75 (1) states "The Major Port Trusts Act, 1963 is hereby repealed."
8. The Board of Major Port Authority according to Section 3 (1) consists of 
Chairman, Deputy Chairman, One member each from Concerned State Government, 
Ministry of Railways, Ministry of Defence, and Customs, Department of Revenue. 
Not less than two and not exceeding four Independent Members. One Member -not 
below the rank of Director - nominated by the Central Government, ex officio; 
and two Members representing the interests of the employees of the Major Port 
Authority." Local Panchayats, Municipalities, MLAs has no powers to appoint 
Members to the Board of Major Port Authority.
9. Section 4 (1) States "The Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of the Board 
shall be appointed by the Central Government on the recommendation of a select 
committee consisting of such manner, as may be prescribed." There is no 
transparency as to who and how select committee itself is formed.
10. Section 3(2) makes Major Port autonomous and allows it to function as a 
landlord. The provision of this section states "The Board of each Major Port 
Authority under this Act shall be a permanent body having perpetual succession 
and a common seal with power, subject to the provisions of this Act, to 
acquire, hold or dispose of property, both movable and immovable, and to 
contract, and shall by the said name sue or be sued."
This Law passed in the Parliament of India and assented to by the President of 
India is draconian and oppressive designed towards Blue grab of Goa's coastal 
area, riparian area and even the hinterlands. Constitution of India under 
Article 51-A (g) empowers citizens as a fundamental duty "to protect and 
improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers, wild life, 
and to have compassion for living creatures." Major Port Authorities Act, 2021 
is an anti-thesis of above cited Article 51-A(g) as it is designed - besides 
destruction of political institutions of democracy - ecocide of Goa's ecology 
by promoting various lethal coastal disruptions as they will be covered up as 
in "National Interest" as provided under section 22(3).
In exercise of Fundamental Duty under Article 51-A(g) you are requested to pay 
attention to points raised above, express your dissent publicly and communicate 
your views to the Minister of Ports, Shipping and Waterways, Government of 
India, Member of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. For the safety of Goa, its 
democracy and ecology Mormugao Port must be excluded from the applicability of 
Major Port Authorities Bill, 2021. People of Goa are not consulted before 
passing of this draconian law just the way we were not consulted before passing 
of National Wayetways Act 2016 wherein six rivers of Goa were included as 
National Waterways.
Industrialization of Rivers, Industrialization of our Coasts are not Good for 
us in Goa. Major Port Authorities Act, 2021 is meant to usher in 
intensification of Industrialization of Goa's coast to facilitate another 
Ecologically disastrous project named Sagarmala, marinas at Nauxim and 
Sancoale, coal handling, construction of fresh jetties, double tracking of 
Railway tracks connecting port, decimation of western Ghats forest at Mollem 
No nation can prosper by destroying the foundation of Economy. Foundation of 
Economy is ecology. It is in the national interest that Goa's ecology is 
protected at all costs from Major Port Authorities Act, 2021.
We call upon you to speak up fearlessly. communicate boldly, articulate 
clearly, share meticulously and petition relentlessly for the wall of power is 
rotten with corruption and greed; it can collapse anytime with strong 
collective push of dissent.

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