On Monday, March 22, 2021, 08:59:10 a.m. CDT, Naguesh Bhatcar 
<sgbhatcar@hotmail. com> wrote:
 Having been on Goanet since 1996/97, I must say I have seen a lot more and 
worse than what is going on now!
There used to be a lot more feuds, skirmishes and wars, personal attacks and 
scores to settle. 🙂
Of course, there will be misunderstandings and disagreements, but in some 
cases, the 'holier than thou' attitude of some, was astonishing.

Naguesh Bhatcar,
I don't believe that the heading is correct. My belief is that Goanet is now a 
platform for the retired. 

The youngest person around or the one with the freshest views is Cecil Pinto - 
and he already has more grey hair than most of us.  

I used to wonder why some members would post the same views, year after year, 
on subjects that the rest of the world had agreed upon and moved on. Then I 
realised that some members memories are not what they used to be and out of 
forgetfulness, kept posting on topics that irritate them - microwave towers 
cause cancer and coconut oil is good for you - are amongst the often repeated 
contentions. ;-) 

The other norm here is for some members to post everyday and sometimes more 
than once a day. At times, it feels that they have given up god and use Goanet 
like a prayer platform. 

Lastly, it seems (to me) that there is a dearth of quality posts here. However, 
once in a while you will get that post that makes one think and at the same 
time, expands knowledge.



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