Dr. Gilbert Lawrence wrote:
" I do not follow Goa's domestic policies closely.? But it seems to me that
those half-dozen goanetters voicing their opinions about Goa's priorities
have themselves lost sight of Goan needs; and are now sore losers.? The
lace-curtain Goans of today are like the lace-curtain Goans of the 1950s -
totally oblivious to reality.?
Like all workers, the top priority of Goans is likely JOBS,? JOBS,? JOBS.?
The articulate Goans have expended their vocal power to thwart progress in
Goa. This includes expanding the airport, expanding the naval base, and
other major development progress, etc etc.
With the stink raised, the naval yard along with ship repairs and
construction was moved to Karwar; and from my reading that site is now the
third largest naval base in India, with huge job opportunities lost for
In my view, the busy hard-working Goans have no time for the retired and
sussegad Goans, whose PERPETUAL RESENTMENT is economic prosperity for ALL.?
Just my two cents.?Regards,? GL"

My response:
Dear Doctor,
You are right. You don't have the faintest idea of the ground situation in
Goa.  You may be an expert in your field, but you are not a messiah.
You are right we are opposing Mopa, Naval base, major development projects.
You cite JOBS, JOBS, JOBS as the reason why we should welcome these
projects with open arms. Let me ask you,"Jobs for whom? Migrant workers to
form vote banks against Goans?" You can be sure, in all these projects,
Goans are going to get the dirty end of the stick. The plum postings will
go to non-Goans. At best, Goans will get menial jobs. Then there is the
scarcity of precious land in Goa.

Goans in Diaspora NRG's think they know best what is good for us resident
Goans.Sorry Dr. You are mistaken.

Just now, Legislators in Goa are coming to terms with the need to define,
"Goan" and to ensure that there is reservation for Goans and protection for
Goan jobs in industry. Vijay Sardessai a firebrand opposition leader
articulated as much by saying that when a BJP Government in Haryana can
reserve jobs in Haryana for Haryanvis in Haryana by passing a law, why not
a BJP Government in Goa pass a law to protect Goan Jobs in Goa? Btw, Fyi
,many Goans in diaspora are opposing definitions of 'Goan' and at the same
time not willing to come up with one. These guys want their cake in
diaspora and want to eat it in Goa too.

As I mentioned earlier, the projects you mentioned above are more about
land scams. The naval officers can have a golf course in Dabolim but refuse
to part with land for parking.

Please come to Goa and study the employment patterns and then shoot out.

Tony de Sa

Conquer yourself rather than the world

Rene Descartes

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