I remember those days when as a young schoolgirl,  mum would take me to Vagator 
beach. As we came down the slope and made our way to the rocky area leading to 
the beach, there used to be a small hut with a man selling delicious crisp 
bhajjias and hot fragrant chai. The clean smell of the sea and the fresh breeze 
accentuated the taste of the bhajjias. This simple fare costing a few annas, 
was a mind boggling experience which decades later is unforgettable. 

Recently I went looking out for bhajjias right from Vagator to Anjuna. They 
were nowhere to be found.  They are replaced by the North Indian stuff. Very 
sadly, I retraced my way home. Why have we allowed our Goa to be taken over 
lock stock and barrel by people from other states. Is there an answer???

Bernice Pereira

Sent from my iPhone

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