The union of marriage is the seed for the family tree. The same sex
marriages, live in marriages frustrate the purpose. There is increasing
selfishness, lack of responsibility and commitment to the goal of marriage
and starting a family. The liberation of women, career consciousness do not
often  favour family  as a priority beyond comforts in relationship.

 Legal enforcement of marriageable age of girls and boys, banning of child
marriages and free education to girls is another factor limiting the size
of family.

Do not be surprised, if liberated women set pre conditions in marriage to
the norm of one child. Late marriages due to Education, and professional
ambitions naturally limit the offspring’s. The nuclear family trend of one
child or two as mandated by the Govt also exists as a limitation. The
intentions of the parents to give them the best in life education, and
better standards of living drives nuclear family status .The disincentive
for grass roots political participation with more than two children are in
vogue. It is extremely rare these days to see a large family with 6 to 12
children. In prelibation period,   Govt allotted food provisions for such
large families and thus served as the incentive. It is mostly in poor
families there is an increase in the number of children, as the financial,
living and health conditions  ensure survival of a family member to
adulthood .The trend among rich and wealthy is natural to restrict the
family .Certain religious minorities seem to have large families due to
personal marriage laws. Govt also restricts such large families due to fear
of demographic changes, which may alter population ratios

There are medical conditions in both partners to bear children. Science has
advanced to afford in vitro fertilization at a cost and on demand. The
surrogacy trend is also an option for infertile couples. Surprisingly some
rich and famous have adopted the surrogacy procedure to add to the family
number and eyebrows have been raised in the society. Many foreigners seek a
cheap and convenient route to bearing children in India to avoid the
rigours of childbirth. Adoption to infertile couples is an option and only
choice to have a family.

In Catholic community adoption is not allowed and so also in same sex
marriages. There is also restriction on unwed, single mothers to adopt,
though some exceptions are visible. Some celebrities are renowned to have
adopted children of different Nationalities .Govt of India has stringent
laws for adoption by foreigners due to various abuses, ill-treatment of
such individuals. These cases are being monitored and security deposits are
ensured for the welfare of adopted, if need arises. In India if after
adoption the child is born in the family, then the situation alters. The
adopted child does not inherit the family name and benefits may be
restricted. If the child adopted is the only one, then he/she stands to
benefit. Adoption is not merely to ensure protection to parents in old age,
it is also an opportunity to someone for a better life. Many a couple are
reluctant to adopt due to family status, customs traditions and stigma of
social pressures. Nowadays there are licensed, regulated center’s for
adoptions. Earlier children born of unwed mothers, abandoned children,
children sold by poor families for income were some sources for adoption.
The identity of biological parents are not disclosed and there is no bar to
the religious background of the adopting parents per se, The adoption is
normally preferred  of girls and exceptionally boys, may be due to personal
security and reliability and trustworthiness. They are given in marriages
and well settled and do not serve primarily as protectors, guardians in old
age. Many are bestowed with all rights and privileges and treated as family
members in all respects, well-educated and cared for. At times they behave
more responsible in comparison to biological offspring’s

The social barriers to adoption are melting down. Adoptions are a norm not
only in case of infertility, but also otherwise. Marriages of adopted girls
in the past harboured social stigma, but education, professionalism has
altered the status of adopted girls in particular to be more acceptable.
The adoption centres give them the best of education, love ,care,
employment avenues, let them retain their incomes and also enable, arrange
suitable partners in life. Girls at one point of time were considered a
burden on the family for expenses related to marriages, Govt has strict
provisions on dowry demands. Girl’s education is free. Dowry deaths within
7 years   of marriage are thoroughly investigated by the Magistrate. Child
marriages are banned, sex determination and also  female foeticide by
abortion.  Govt. also provides for regulated expenses related to marriages,
mass marriages that reduce expenses. The employment opportunities,
promotion of self-employment through Mahila groups, reservations for women
ensure financial independence of girls making them self-reliable.
Trafficking of girls is a curse and abduction and forceful marriages,
Consent of the girl is no more taken for granted, Women organizations
undertake all types of issues connected with their welfare, safety  and

. Even women police stations, and female investigators are in place

It is unfortunate that the ratio of male to female is adverse amongst many
Nations. The discrimination in appointments, wage parity continues to haunt
women of the world

Adoption of females is here to stay, whether due to infertility,  or other
reasons . Acceptability by the society makes it less cumbersome due to
integration in the family as the rightful member with all facilities.
Adoption is a new hope, a chance to someone for  a better life, home and
parental love to care for

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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