Indo-Portuguese people at Korlai

Hi Deepika

You will remember we visited this village on that memorable trip in a hired
car with Champ and Aunt Jenny.

Just across the bay from Bombay on the mainland below Alibag we stumbled on
this little village of Korlai  --  all residences centred around a Catholic
Church  --  where we found  "fair" people  --  definitely fairer than
people of the surrounding areas  -- who spoke a different sort of
Marathi-Portuguese --  these were descendents of the original inhabitants
who had married  Portuguese men stationed at this outpost of the then
Portuguese settlement of Bom-Baim.  It used to be well fortified with a
good harbour --  still used by the villagers whose current main occupation
appears to be fishing.  For some reason I gathered the impression that
from the Catholic Church's operations, Korlai is part of the Dadar
(Salvation) Church parish. There did not appear to be any direct link
between the Korlai inhabitants and "East Indians" of Dadar and Vasai.



---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Antonio Menezes <>
Date: Tue, Apr 13, 2021 at 12:09 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Luso-indians of Korlai
To: goanet <>

If in a village called Korlai in North Konkan region  which was ruled
by the Marathas and then by the Bristish for most part of 280 years,
there still exist today about eight hundred persons of biracial
origin or Luso Indian who speak ''Nossling Portuguese,

is it not rather strange  than in the so-called Velhas Conquistas de
Go ( Ilhas, Bardex and Salcete ) which were  ruled by the
Portuguese for 451 years,

there are hardly any families who claim to be of biracial origin or
Luso-Goans or Mestissos ?

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